Thanks to @charmaine @rambo @lyxzen and @missy to challenging us members, hopefuls, and suicidegirls alike to this fun 10 random facts blog.
1. I am a huge fitness freak, I spend the majority of my time exercising, researching exercise routines, and nutrition. My partner in fit-crime is @kewpie
2. I love to make my own recipes and prepare my own food. I cook the majority of the meals at my home, and I always make two versions a super healthy version along with what I've dubbed the 'normal' version.
(Here's an example of a super healthy meal that may not appear to look that way! Mmm Mmm Good!)
3. I can put away a serious amount of food. I want to participate in some type of eating challenge, like the ice cream sink on Man vs Food. KITCHEN SINK ICE CREAM CHALLENGE
4. My weight goes up and down drastically, especially when I'm stressed (which also makes my psoriasis flare up.)
5. I have psoriasis. WHAT IS PSORIASIS?
6. I get really dry skin, and terribly cracked feet. Sometimes my feet make noise when I walk barefoot because they are so dry,regardless of how much moisturizer I put on them. It's like nails on a chalk board.
7. I prefer to walk whenever I can regardless the distance, even though I personally own three well running vehicles.
(Cool things you get to snap selfie's with when you walk places :P )
8. I want my own home more than anything in this world. Selfish but very true.
9. May 1st I find out if I have been accepted into the Mortuary Science program here in Cypress.
10. My life time goals were to either be a Las Vegas show girl, or mortician. Maybe I have time to do both?
I hope you enjoyed these 10 random facts about me.
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MISSMYZAREE@YAHOO.COM For those of you who want to leave me love notes :)