Well things are even stranger in Egypt and I sincerely hope that this does not expand into a Middle East war that drags everyone in. Let's all work for peace and love and fair treatment for all including the planet.
Got my 1951 Packard out for a drive on Saturday. I know it isn't the cleanest vehicle on the road but it feels good to...
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Got my 1951 Packard out for a drive on Saturday. I know it isn't the cleanest vehicle on the road but it feels good to...
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Well the World seems to be descending into mayhem in many places. Not always entirely a bad thing if people end up with better treatment. It will be interesting if new governments or even changed governments treat women more equally than they have in the past - we can only hope.
In our country the political climate appears to be drawing nut cases out of...
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In our country the political climate appears to be drawing nut cases out of...
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So the new year has started and politics seems to be heading away from progressiveness, which is sad and terrifying. Issues that matter include treating people with dignity and respect and staying out of their private lives. If we let this minority of hypocrites take over completely we will regret it. On a more cheerful note I love the energy and honesty of this site...
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Wish I knew more about antique/vintage cars, they're quite a beauty.