This has not been my best week. We had to get rid of our cats because they were making us all sick
then among lots of little things my van decided to die.I bought it used a year ago and for that year it ran great. A few months ago it started falling apart. We thought the starter was gone ( thats what all evidence indicated) so we scraped our savings for a new one. After we put the new one in it ran long enough for my brother to take a 5 min trip to the store and died at the store >.<. We have no idea what the issue is so we are getting it towed to the shop to see if they can figure it out. We tested the computer and its not that thankfully. My mother told me yesterday she was sending money to get it fxed. I'm lucky to have a mom like her. She's helped me out so many times before I could even have a chance to ask for help.

Play WoW with me!
Sorry things are not working in your favor right now.