I love my job! My managers rock and I spend my days having a blast. Next weekend is my last weekend of park training then off to the resorts I go. I'm getting good hours too which is a nice plus since I only work 3 days a week. One of my supervisors is all but begging me to stay in the park.It's nice not to just have a job that I like but that I am good at! I know I'm not that great as a server and retail as hard as I try I just don't have the heart or will to endure it and it reflects in my work. I'm getting lots of compliments from management about my positive attitude and my pictures. I finally found out what I wanna be when I grow up and it feels good to have some direction and goals. I know I still have a ways to go, but I am finally on my way.
Awesome glad your enjoying youf job
Good for you Mythie