I'm writing today about something that I just don't understand.Bias and racism. I grew up in NH which is pretty much a white state. I didn't see racism or bias expect in movies or on tv. My parents raised me that people are people regardless of how different they may be from me. Skin color or beliefs or lifestyle don't matter whether I agree or not. Everyone I knew felt the same way. It wasn't until I moved to Florida that I really saw racism and bias firsthand. I do not understand it. To me it seems so insane that someone would be judged by skin color or belief system or sexual orientation. Someone explain this to me because I just don't get why it matters so much. Last time I checked black or white asian or arab homosexual or heterosexual muslim or christian we all bleed the same. Under the skin all our parts are the same. I wish more people could see just how foolish they look by judging someone on trivial things instead of looking at a person for who they really are.
I wish that more people were like you, Mythryl. I really do.
Welcome to Florida! Its a melting pot of shitbags. You just seem to be in the wrong part of the state. Around where you live you have all the "good ol' boys". But if you look hard enough, you'll find assholes like that in any state. Just keep your head up and stay positive!