What a hell of a week! First my charger for my camera disappered and I just found it today. Apparently my cats knocked it into the laundry basket and it ended up in the bottom of it. I'd been tearing my house apart all week trying to find it and it ends up in a place I would never think to look. Also this week I discovered some very unwelcome guests invading my home. Apparently the area I live in is swarming with fleas right now and I have tried bombing, using flea power, and spraying the crap out of my house and they are still biting the crap out of me! I have an exterminator coming in Friday to take care of it. I had no idea how they came in the the first place since my kitties don't go outsides. They told me that eggs can lay dormant for up to a yr and since I moved into this place after flea season there were probably eggs in the house that hatched and that is why all of a sudden my house was completely overrun with them.Luckily my mom rocks and is loaning me the money to get it taken care of otherwise I don't know what I'd do. The good news is my job hunting efforts are finally starting to pay off! I haver an interview at Disney this week for either housekeeping or photo pass. I'm feeling pretty confident that this is the break I have been looking for.So in the nutshell that has been my week.
Good luck with Disney!