Member Since 2016

over-sexualization of Female power?


It would be interesting to hear various actresses who have given some degree of thought about gender equality - and the concept of female heroism - comment on sexuality in the superhero medium. Obviously Scarlett Johansson has sold movies using roles invloving both her sexuality as well as her depiction of women that show strength of character. it would be an interesting conversation. If a female character who is paired with male characters merely is there for visual appeal - does it damage the integrity of the character - and the entertainment brand in today's day and age?! I'm giving it some thought. Especially with the Wonder Woman movie coming out as well.

It depends on the genre. I have a lot of thoughts associated with this and I think women live in a paradox somewhat - and if they are non-Caucasian like yourself and beautiful - that adds to the complexity - simply because many variables of perception enter the picture. I get the sense that there are some issues that women of all races and ethnicities can relate to when it comes to many things - but there are also very important issues that are different.
@MYTHIC_IMAGINATION: I can hardly believe that Jolie or Johansson do not like that roles they play. May be because I can't understand what's bad in being stropng and sexy? This is some kind of cult for may people and it is not only about sexuality. I guess we never know what they really think, only speculations. But you are right, too much politics in this question here nowadays.
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