so in my last blog post i said how i reaaaaally want to do another shoot for suicide girls but I dont have enough money for a professional sg photographer :( so a few of you recommended i create a gofundme account. any donation would be so appreciated. im not really sure how this works so who ever donates, give me a message and I'll send you a picture of myself (nothing naughty probably just in my undies) with a note saying thank you. I know it isnt really anything great but i wouldnt be creating a gofundme account if i could affort to send off free signed prints would i?!
More Blogs
write about your pets
so this is my adorable baby gecko which I don't actually have … -
hello to all you lovely girls! if any of you want to add me on face… -
Ghost stories
Ok so @almost_missed asked me to do a blog post about all my ghostl… -
ok so i thought i should start doing the homework thats set for us ea…
10 Random Facts About Me: 1. I'm half Turkish half Irish 2. I… -
what inspired me to become a suicide girl..
Ever since I can remember I've never been happy with my appear… -
Calling out to all Suicide girls and hopefuls who live in london!!!!!!
So @lavezzaro has contacted me and will hopefully be doing a shoot … -
Just so you know...
So I'm not a professional photographer but I absolutely love it! He… -
Fellow suicide girls and hopefuls, I need help!!!
So since doing my first ever modelling shoot I reaaaally can't wait… -