So since doing my first ever modelling shoot I reaaaally can't wait to do it again! The only problem is I'm having a real hard time trying to find where I can do my next shoot. How do you models find such beautiful places! Also how do you even find a quiet place to go without some randomer walking along stumbling onto your set while you're just stood there completely naked like '.....uhh hey'. I live in a really small town and there isn't many places at all which are really quiet! Don't get me wrong, there are some really beautiful locations in my town but they are pretty busy areas and I could just imagine the people in my town getting all 'offended' if they saw some girl getting naked in their town -.- ughhhhh!!! How is this so hard but seems so easy for the rest of yoooou?! D:
lol I read that wrong. I did my shoots in a friend's art studio and I am setting up others in apartments of people I know. I went to the next city over and my photographers knew of some buildings that were abandoned and a car junkyard who's owner was cool with us being there. If you find a cool room it never hurts to ask if you can use it.
@pout thanks for your help! Ive found a cute room that I can use :P