Its a typical South Florida summer. Hot, very hot, sunny, sticky, sweaty. It was like a sauna outside today. My car was an oven and the air conditioner was only giving off hot air!
It was an entire day of driving around in the inferno i call my car... and I got a flat tire!!
Today definatly felt like 6-6-06.
Oh well.. I survived, I'm indoors in a climate controlled environment, and I've got Invader Zim on my Tivo.

It was an entire day of driving around in the inferno i call my car... and I got a flat tire!!
Today definatly felt like 6-6-06.
Oh well.. I survived, I'm indoors in a climate controlled environment, and I've got Invader Zim on my Tivo.

Ahh, stepping into my car is like breathing in fire, a 1986 toyota cressida with no air isn't exactly a luxury mobile, but we can all rest easy knowing that the electricity company will not go hungry this summer!
Mmmmm, I wish I was in that sweltering heat!