Sigh. Life is slow right now. Work work work. Too much of that and not enough inebriation to go with it. Oh well. @ parties next week so hopefully things will pick up. Plus softball starts in a week and Cedar Point in two weeks, camping in 3 weeks. Cool shit. Hopefully I can make it through the summer. I am so glad I am not taking classes. I worked really hard this past semester, I deserve the break. I should still finish school on time, (when I am supposed to for my age) so Im not worried about hurrying up or anything. Just try to remember, stop and smell the tequela. I learned some new spanish at work today. The guys have been teaching me so much lately. I don't know how to spell if for shit because they only teach me how to say it... Anyway, it's my new nickname for Maria at work.... "Hola, me dulce pantalon senorita!" Or Candy Pants Girl in english. It's funny how I can prgress from the few dirty words they had taught me when we first started working together to the complete sentances I can say now, and though some is still just useless flirtation (like the Maria thing) a lot of it is useful interaction stuff, so I'm happy. Getting an education in a language for free is always good.

thanks....and you are right. i am hopeless at not knowing who is bad and who is good. it is like i always get it mixed up. i just think that i got jaded recently but it will pass.