Just a boring Monday at work. Entertain me! tell me your craziest Date Story!

May 29th 1987, i was born. That date brought the crazy you see today.

Just about was late for work!! I some how knew I was gonna sleep in I wonder how I knew could it have been the weird schedule where I close late then OPEN EARLY lol but I made it! Now I have one long day ahead of me a long shift then clubbing with my friend for her BIRTHDAY!! I can't wait to go home...
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Good ol’ “clopen” shift scheduling haha

Just finished my shift at work closed at 9 p.m. drove an hour, got home at 10 now I have to wind down relax got to bed and then wake up at 5 in the morning to get ready for work, leave early enough that I don't get stuck in traffic that makes me late for my shift.......this was flawed scheduling. Anyone else have crazy...
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I just work nights....... The sun is my enemy.

It is currently 1 a.m. in the morning and I am lying in bed needing to turn off some of my lights clean up my dinner mess but instead I got distracted by Tik-Tok... This has become an addiction lol.

What's your late-night distraction?

@skywalker6 Wikipedia? What kind of stuff do you get up to on that?
@mysticsoul_xo well when you go to look up a specific actor  and then it’s 2am and you now know the full history of Man United

Good morning.

What an early morning for me up at 5am to get ready for work then drive an hour for my shift. I already can't wait to be off lol. How is everyone else morning going?