Well another week and i still hardly note the passing of time. As the second week of june approaches i find myself goin on over a year single, still stuck at the same dead end job, and stil stuck at home. BUt on a brighter note, the second week of June marks my favorite week of ALL TIME! And no its not my birthday. Not the aniversary orf anything important like first time or any thing, but the best reason of all. Camp Quality time. Camp Quality is a week long summer camp for kids who either currently have, or have had in the past, cancer. I've been working there for 4 years now, and since i went there as a camper for 10 years, i feel that i should work there for at LEAST 10 more. I've got the same camper this year (its done on a one-on-one camper/companion ratio), which makes the 4th year in a row. The week from the 10th to the 16th will be the shortest, but by far greatest, week EF-AR!
i hope you enjoyed it.