so ive been challeged by my friend to get 6 pack abs by july 9th. and she has been challenged to lose 20 lbs. i feel both are pretty unattainable. but who knows maybe i can surprise myself a bit. so i'm organizing some ghost hunting expeditions. dudleytown is a thought as ive been there like 5 times. though large groups are harder to get in. ive convinced my roomate to learn how to play bass and hes gonna pick up a new one for himself even though i have 2 at the house. his choice. i just hope he doesnt give up on it then i have to take his new bass.
so today was uneventful. went to best buy and strawberrys . i actually found some good deals there 3 cds for 3 bucks. now that was awesome. the girl at best buy tried to flirt with me again. seems a bit nervous when she does. i dont know, its flattering i guess. well my friend jenny might visit from RI with would be pretty cool. i miss her and shes finally getting out of a crappy relationship and moving on so im her crutch for now. hope the weekend brings some fun

hey!! i have short hair!
yay! i always rush to post when you're last on fuck or pass!