Sometimes this whole job situation feels so damned hopeless. For everyone. I mean, it's not possible to make that many jobs for this many people that need them. There just isn't enough work. It's so sobering. The even more sobering idea is that you can't live without it. I wish that by some magical occurance I had land bequethed to me and I could live on it and build a home and grow my fruits and veggies and trade for the rest. I do and I don't. I like that idea, but maybe not the reality. I like being alone and trying to take care of myself and growing veggies and learning about foraging, but I also like buying yummy treats from the grocery store and going to art festivals and parks and open mic nights.
It feels like the older I get the less I have it figured out.
The more I see the less I know, right?

A lifetime ago.
It feels like the older I get the less I have it figured out.
The more I see the less I know, right?

I, too, suffer from romantic fantasies about secluded farmhomes... but then I realize I'm daydreaming in the aisle of Trader Joe's as I pick up my favorite granola bars.