Everytime I say I'm going to be more active and update this thing regularly I fail misserably.
I've just been too caught up in the baby-rearing schooling, trying to get sleep lifestyle.
This week has been particularly trying. I have an Astronomy test tomorrow and it seems like no matter how much I cram I just can't seem to do it right. My nerves are like little raw electrical ends, firing off at any dissenter. Plus, the anxiety of it all is keeping me up at night in this exhausted stupor. Not enjoying that at all.
But, in better news, I wrote a nice article about MaryJane for my magazine writing class and it was pretty awesome getting to interview her. Anyone who doesn't know her should, she's awesome, and I really admire the person she is. Plus, she is amazing kinds of sexy. When I've got the article all tweeked I'm going to be sending her a copy, and submitting it to various publications, upon her approval of course.
I also got to go to Green Meadows farm. Something I did as a child. It was nostalgic and beautiful and made me cry a little because I miss those days. Jude had fun too, which was the primary concern. The highlight for me was the llama. He was lovely and soft and our guide said he never usually let people get near him, but he came right up to me and sniffed my face and let me stroke his cheeks. Sounds insane, but I felt a soul connection with that llama.
Speaking of souls and connections, I've been pondering life and the universe and death a bunch lately. String theory and all of that. Probably largely due to my astronomy class, but also largely due to my life, to my sister. I'm not sure I'm in the right mindset to get into it all right now, but share with me your thoughts.
I love these people:

And many more, but they're all I'll put up for now because I didn't ask for permissionnnnn.
Also, if you haven't already, check out Magpie 's new set. She is something delicious and lovely, it's her eyes, melt you to the core (planets must have a molten core to go through diffrentiation, erp meep)
And give love to Maslow because I love her too.
Tadle waddle for now. I'm going to attempt to study. Astrology buffs out there feel free to lend me a hand.
I've just been too caught up in the baby-rearing schooling, trying to get sleep lifestyle.
This week has been particularly trying. I have an Astronomy test tomorrow and it seems like no matter how much I cram I just can't seem to do it right. My nerves are like little raw electrical ends, firing off at any dissenter. Plus, the anxiety of it all is keeping me up at night in this exhausted stupor. Not enjoying that at all.
But, in better news, I wrote a nice article about MaryJane for my magazine writing class and it was pretty awesome getting to interview her. Anyone who doesn't know her should, she's awesome, and I really admire the person she is. Plus, she is amazing kinds of sexy. When I've got the article all tweeked I'm going to be sending her a copy, and submitting it to various publications, upon her approval of course.
I also got to go to Green Meadows farm. Something I did as a child. It was nostalgic and beautiful and made me cry a little because I miss those days. Jude had fun too, which was the primary concern. The highlight for me was the llama. He was lovely and soft and our guide said he never usually let people get near him, but he came right up to me and sniffed my face and let me stroke his cheeks. Sounds insane, but I felt a soul connection with that llama.
Speaking of souls and connections, I've been pondering life and the universe and death a bunch lately. String theory and all of that. Probably largely due to my astronomy class, but also largely due to my life, to my sister. I'm not sure I'm in the right mindset to get into it all right now, but share with me your thoughts.
I love these people:

And many more, but they're all I'll put up for now because I didn't ask for permissionnnnn.
Also, if you haven't already, check out Magpie 's new set. She is something delicious and lovely, it's her eyes, melt you to the core (planets must have a molten core to go through diffrentiation, erp meep)
And give love to Maslow because I love her too.
Tadle waddle for now. I'm going to attempt to study. Astrology buffs out there feel free to lend me a hand.

j'adore, j'adore, j'adore.