Although I normally find the photo shoots on SG entertaining and creative....I found the new girl Becci's post to be a tad dit disrespectful. I'm not sure why it's become okay to down right vulgarize christianity...yet the world is up in arms 'PC' about every other issue. Sexism. Buddism. Lesbianism. WHATEVER the subject...people are so afraid to offend and be offended. Except about that. I don't get it's right on par with those dicks who submerged a crucifix in a bottle of piss and sold it to a NY museum as art. Nasty. And with that being said, I am not even Christian. I am just respectful of people and their beliefs. It is the those kinds of attitudes that start wars and such. Bottom line? Porno and religion do not really mix. Rating:
But on a side note, if someone happens to reads this and disagree don't go ripping my throat out. Thats pretty lame. two cents.