Hey all, well the boy I was really interested in moved very very far away. Bummer. Worst part?? I found out he LIKED me! WTF! A week after he left forever and ever! I would have never guessed, either. This bites and I'm sad now. Me and the roommate get along well....so far. Other than that...work is work and all I truly have going on...
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hey....well, a lot going on. I have a new roomate who vacuums in her underwear. Sometimes life is very kind!
great picture

It is soooo fuckin wet here. I do not mean in a good way either.... Check out the flood pics in my photography folder.
where ya been??? *Missin ya*

where ya been??? *Missin ya*
I'm making spaghetti sauce tonight. I didn't really do much on my 'weekend' (mid week) but i guess that really wasn't the point to do anything. I gave my dog a bath cuz we share a bed...and i'm pretty sure i am a germaphobe. If my bed sheets aren't cleaned once every seven days i feel like i have things crawling on my skin and...
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You are so cute!! I love your hair.
I Love Seinfeld, I can't wait for it to come out on dvd.
I Love Seinfeld, I can't wait for it to come out on dvd.
i just checked amazon.com's music bestsellers list and frou frou's details is #21! i haven't been keeping up with popular music so i was quite surprised, since the album is like 2 years old. so i'm wondering why the heck is it so popular? i didn't think she had a hit song recently. do you have any idea?
Wow...so nice to wake up and open my eyes, roll over and go back to sleep. Yes!
Good day so far....walked my dog and didn't run into a certain guy neighbor. It's too warm out...I can't wait for winter and snow...the only thing I hate about that is warming my car up in the morning and scraping ice off the windshield. But I love stomping...
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Good day so far....walked my dog and didn't run into a certain guy neighbor. It's too warm out...I can't wait for winter and snow...the only thing I hate about that is warming my car up in the morning and scraping ice off the windshield. But I love stomping...
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I love a fireplace. I have one in this place. The artist in question is only know to me as Angry Johnny. He has done a lot of cover art for J Mascis and Dinosaur Jr. You should visit the site, go to the angry gallery to see more of his work (the music isnt bad. Hell, I bought the CD). www.getangry.com
Lost Soul
Angry Johnny
part of the album art for Dinosaur Jr's album "Where You Been"
I have no idea what the f* a
is....... let me know if you find out. Someone in the SG Chat will probably know.
[Edited on Aug 10, 2004 5:05PM]

Lost Soul
Angry Johnny
part of the album art for Dinosaur Jr's album "Where You Been"
I have no idea what the f* a

[Edited on Aug 10, 2004 5:05PM]
work sucks work sucks work sucks....i am such an insufferable bitch when i get home from work. it is a good thing i live alone cause i am sure i'd get a pretty good smackdown from anyone who had to deal with my bs at the end of the day.
I have read the lottery...and it was great, and I ran out and got her collected short stories, and they sucked
Definitly the kind of thing I was talking about, though.
...and if I were a girl, I'd be way in to Jason Lee.
Still, you have very weird tastes for a lesbian.
Edited to remove political correctness
[Edited on Aug 08, 2004 8:43PM]

Definitly the kind of thing I was talking about, though.
...and if I were a girl, I'd be way in to Jason Lee.
Still, you have very weird tastes for a lesbian.
Edited to remove political correctness
[Edited on Aug 08, 2004 8:43PM]
I feel ya, read my journal... hehe. f* work!
*lights candle and meditates before going to work*

work sucked today. i got freaken pummeled with weather...work...other than that not much goin on. unfortunately. well, some good news though...i have a friend that is moving to the area. it must be my irresistable charm! it's not so easy typing one handed....
...oh yeah, and Donnie Darko evidently makes more sense if you've seen The Last Temptation of Christ.
damn double posters.....
god damn triple posters.........
[Edited on Aug 08, 2004 12:50AM]

god damn triple posters.........

[Edited on Aug 08, 2004 12:50AM]
Although I normally find the photo shoots on SG entertaining and creative....I found the new girl Becci's post to be a tad dit disrespectful. I'm not sure why it's become okay to down right vulgarize christianity...yet the world is up in arms 'PC' about every other issue. Sexism. Buddism. Lesbianism. WHATEVER the subject...people are so afraid to offend and be offended. Except about that. I...
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I know what you mean. I loathe the church, but I always find myself defnding it against friends who mock faith for no reason. That set didn't really bother me (except maybe the last shot)...I was seeing it more like a good-girl-gone-bad, just using religion as a prop, but there's a set by Al that's just disgusting and disrespectful. I'll criticize religion till the cows come home, but some people shit on it just to do it, and it usually just comes off as really stupid.
...my two cents.
...my two cents.
I am, indeed, cool. Thanks for asking.
hey....my dog is so so cute. She sleeps with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and she snores like a man. So pretty! Gotta go to the laundramat, now. I hate tedious errands...but i guess oh well. And it's raining outside so i can't go smoke. Well I could...but i'd get all damn wet. damn! haha, funny gamenull...the things we do with...
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Dogs are adorable...Except wheh they don't like you..
My dog would sleep on her back and have her tounge hanging out the side of her mouth...Silly pooch..
Have fun doin laundry in the rain...

My dog would sleep on her back and have her tounge hanging out the side of her mouth...Silly pooch..
Have fun doin laundry in the rain...

hey. just chillin with the dogger. Drank a pot of coffee and I'm antsy. And I gotta pee. Probably should go take care of that. I have a new fav SG. Katie! She has suck a unique and classically beautiful face...very much dig her. ok then, bye.
No, no no...very pretty, very girl-looking.
I'm gonna have to assume that was a joke
I'm gonna have to assume that was a joke
i love katie
good choice!!

ok well i finally get a couple days off....which will be spent happily vegging out. The goal is to move as little as possible. This is going to be lovely!
Vegging out is great. I wish I had more time to do less.

I'd probably take you up on the house cleaning if you lived a little closer...unless you want to buy me a plane ticket and pay me really well, in which case, I'm there.
How much do you get paid for being a total lesbo? I always thought I'd be pretty good at that, and it sounds like fun work. I'd probably need a little training, though.
How much do you get paid for being a total lesbo? I always thought I'd be pretty good at that, and it sounds like fun work. I'd probably need a little training, though.
bored bored bored bored....bored?

...yep, bored.
Do you have "Live @ Sin-e"?
I've been thinking about buying it, but I don't have too much $$$ so I've gotta know if its worth it.
Do you have "Live @ Sin-e"?
I've been thinking about buying it, but I don't have too much $$$ so I've gotta know if its worth it.
You should check out Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk. Its a big change of pace, but there's some really good stuff on there.
...There's also a kick-ass Hallelujah/I Know its Over (a smiths song, I think?) medly on Mystery White Boy that you NEED to hear, if you haven't.
...you should also let me add you to my list of friends.
Hope you found something to do.
...There's also a kick-ass Hallelujah/I Know its Over (a smiths song, I think?) medly on Mystery White Boy that you NEED to hear, if you haven't.
...you should also let me add you to my list of friends.

Hope you found something to do.
well I just had a bunch of beer and watched 'the italian job'. Wasn't bad...but it's pretty much just 'snatch' with less of a story and a cheesier ending. I switch back to mornings now. I hate having to revamp my sleep cycle every month...it is KILLING me! My only good freind is leaving next month and I don't know anyone else in this damn...
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...It's too bad most of the girls out there have already been drunk. Oh well.
The bulk of my friend base has moved in the last 3 months, and I just figured if my social life is gone in 9 months I'll haul ass to D.C. or Portland and not having friends will be an adventure...definitly helped ease the worries.
...and heathermarie could be prettier if she was Ophelia. Something about that girl just destroys me. Can't really put my finger on it, though.
The bulk of my friend base has moved in the last 3 months, and I just figured if my social life is gone in 9 months I'll haul ass to D.C. or Portland and not having friends will be an adventure...definitly helped ease the worries.
...and heathermarie could be prettier if she was Ophelia. Something about that girl just destroys me. Can't really put my finger on it, though.
I missssss yaaaaaa