Today was bath day for Bitsy. She has a tendency to not like me when she's looking like a rat in the tub...

She still hates getting a bath, but at least she doesn't try jumping out anymore. It always ends up in her just sliding back into the tub anyway, since she's not really big enough to jump out. So we got all cleaned up, and she still wasn't happy with me when it came to drying off.

So shortly after that, she took off running and went on a rampage all around the apartment. But everything was all good once she got dry! She was back to being my happy pom. :}

Hope everyone's having a wonderful Sunday!

She still hates getting a bath, but at least she doesn't try jumping out anymore. It always ends up in her just sliding back into the tub anyway, since she's not really big enough to jump out. So we got all cleaned up, and she still wasn't happy with me when it came to drying off.

So shortly after that, she took off running and went on a rampage all around the apartment. But everything was all good once she got dry! She was back to being my happy pom. :}

Hope everyone's having a wonderful Sunday!
so how ya doing?