It's been a fair old while since I've written a blog entry. I've been waiting for something to move me to expression for months now and typically, a load of things come at once. I'm not going to rant as much as usual so I'll just tell you in brief what's been making my head hurt with fury this week. Don't worry, it starts angry but does cheer up
1. The Government has decided to fine teenagers who don't get a job or carry on in education or training after leaving school. Have they ever MET any teenagers? For fuck's sake, all that will happen is that teenagers with no money will get fined and have even less money and hate the authority that the Government represents even more than they already do.
2. Lawyers having stand-up fights with the police in Pakistan. What kind of messed-up country do you have to live in when the people responsible for representing the law of the land are in the street getting the fuck kicked out of them by the people who are employed to enforce that same law? And now to top it off, half of the country has said that they want Sharia Law to be enforced. For the unschooled, this is Islamic law that, amongst other things, punishes theft with amputation of the hands and/or feet, punishes adultery with death by stoning and where a man can marry a Jew or a Christian but a woman can only marry another Muslim. Yeah that's going to work isn't it?
3. Old, wizened, dried-up, lonely, pathetic cuntbitches trying to tell my other half that she doesn't know me and that I'm not going to treat her right. Listen to me carefully you old bag: Just because I repelled your advances on four separate occasions and your bitter, lonely mind has told you that It's now OK to try and get at me through my other half. - It's NOT. You would do well to shut your flapping, stale-cigarette-smelling old mouth and take your sad-act mullet and fuck off. Stop trying to recapture a youth you never experienced in the first place. I'm not the only one people like to talk about and I know all about your sordid little arrangements and various illegal activities - something I'll happily share with the rest of town by way of a poster campaign if you don't give up and crawl back under your rock.
4. Ahhhh, that's better.
5. Now where was I?
Down here somewhere I think...
Yep. Here will do. - So anyway, lest any of you think that I have a problem with Islam because of the second bullet point, let me put your minds at rest. I don't have a problem with Islam, I have a problem with ALL religion as a concept and in practice. There is no sky-fairy or collection of sky-fairies up there who are going to reward you for all the pain and crap you're going through now. This is all there is. Suck it up and get on with things. Instead of waiting on a mythical paradise after death and basing your life on the twisted teachings of books written many hundreds of years after the events they purport to describe, why not look around you and revel in the truly amazing things that surround you every day? We're only here for our three-score and ten - lift your head up and look around you once in a while. Please. Just for me. Enjoy your life and take notice of every truly astonishing thing with which you share the world. That way when it is all over for you, you won't have wasted your tiny span on looking for sky-fairies that simply aren't there.
And now I've depressed you all with things that piss me off - here's some things that have made me smirk a little in the last week or so:
1. Richard Dawkins. March on, mate. The truth needs to be told in a level-headed and straightforward way and you're the man to do it. Keep on going.
2. Hallowe'en and mine and Vermin's costumes (see below)
3. Rediscovering the awesomeness of Garbage's music
4. Going paintballing with my best friends and paying 65 to knock the crap out of myself and not be able to move for two days. It was worth ever penny (see below for bruise pics to put a smile on your face)
5. My new, daft hairstyle making me look significantly younger
6. Starting Karate twice a week, looking forward to being healthier and learning more about kicking ass
7. Kittens.
So there you go. I'm not just Rage Boy, sometimes I actually like things too! And as promised here are a few pics of just how damaged I was after paintball:
And here's what my wonderful other half, the lady Vermin, looked like on Hallowe'en (and also what I looked like in my Travis Bickle outfit...)
So anyway, rant over All comments and reactions welcome
1. The Government has decided to fine teenagers who don't get a job or carry on in education or training after leaving school. Have they ever MET any teenagers? For fuck's sake, all that will happen is that teenagers with no money will get fined and have even less money and hate the authority that the Government represents even more than they already do.
2. Lawyers having stand-up fights with the police in Pakistan. What kind of messed-up country do you have to live in when the people responsible for representing the law of the land are in the street getting the fuck kicked out of them by the people who are employed to enforce that same law? And now to top it off, half of the country has said that they want Sharia Law to be enforced. For the unschooled, this is Islamic law that, amongst other things, punishes theft with amputation of the hands and/or feet, punishes adultery with death by stoning and where a man can marry a Jew or a Christian but a woman can only marry another Muslim. Yeah that's going to work isn't it?
3. Old, wizened, dried-up, lonely, pathetic cuntbitches trying to tell my other half that she doesn't know me and that I'm not going to treat her right. Listen to me carefully you old bag: Just because I repelled your advances on four separate occasions and your bitter, lonely mind has told you that It's now OK to try and get at me through my other half. - It's NOT. You would do well to shut your flapping, stale-cigarette-smelling old mouth and take your sad-act mullet and fuck off. Stop trying to recapture a youth you never experienced in the first place. I'm not the only one people like to talk about and I know all about your sordid little arrangements and various illegal activities - something I'll happily share with the rest of town by way of a poster campaign if you don't give up and crawl back under your rock.
4. Ahhhh, that's better.
5. Now where was I?
Down here somewhere I think...
Yep. Here will do. - So anyway, lest any of you think that I have a problem with Islam because of the second bullet point, let me put your minds at rest. I don't have a problem with Islam, I have a problem with ALL religion as a concept and in practice. There is no sky-fairy or collection of sky-fairies up there who are going to reward you for all the pain and crap you're going through now. This is all there is. Suck it up and get on with things. Instead of waiting on a mythical paradise after death and basing your life on the twisted teachings of books written many hundreds of years after the events they purport to describe, why not look around you and revel in the truly amazing things that surround you every day? We're only here for our three-score and ten - lift your head up and look around you once in a while. Please. Just for me. Enjoy your life and take notice of every truly astonishing thing with which you share the world. That way when it is all over for you, you won't have wasted your tiny span on looking for sky-fairies that simply aren't there.
And now I've depressed you all with things that piss me off - here's some things that have made me smirk a little in the last week or so:
1. Richard Dawkins. March on, mate. The truth needs to be told in a level-headed and straightforward way and you're the man to do it. Keep on going.
2. Hallowe'en and mine and Vermin's costumes (see below)
3. Rediscovering the awesomeness of Garbage's music
4. Going paintballing with my best friends and paying 65 to knock the crap out of myself and not be able to move for two days. It was worth ever penny (see below for bruise pics to put a smile on your face)
5. My new, daft hairstyle making me look significantly younger
6. Starting Karate twice a week, looking forward to being healthier and learning more about kicking ass
7. Kittens.
So there you go. I'm not just Rage Boy, sometimes I actually like things too! And as promised here are a few pics of just how damaged I was after paintball:
And here's what my wonderful other half, the lady Vermin, looked like on Hallowe'en (and also what I looked like in my Travis Bickle outfit...)
So anyway, rant over All comments and reactions welcome
that is a very good rant indeed
I found out the other day that Akemi was Amy Winehouse too!