Ok, so here's my new story...ya'll are gonna think I'm insane. So last nite my friends and I are partying, and we ran out of beer, but it was already past 12. So......we decided it would be cool to do a beer run. (Bad idea) I was completely wasted, and decided to nominate myself. So my friend Danielle drives my car to the store while my friend Manuel took his truck so he could distract the clerk. Brilliant, right? Nothing could go wrong in my mind. So we get to the store, Manuel is talking to the clerk, I grab the beer, and fucking haul ass to the car and scream go go go. We take off back to the house, everything was cool. Then Manuel gets back and tell me they got my license plate #...SHIT! So I knew I was screwed. About 20 minutes later my Mom calls my phone saying the cops are there, and tells me that my car was used to steal beer. I tried to get out of it, but realized that I wasn't convincing anyone but myself. So I fess up. Still drunk...I drive home so the cop can write me a sitation, thank god he didn't give me a breathalizer! So he writes me the ticket, and I go into my house, my Mom took my keys away. She told me she's going to sell my car. The thing that really sucks is that I've been making the payments on my car, but it's under my Moms name. Fuckin A. What the hell was I thinking?
So I'm 20 years old and I just had my car taken away, and my Moms trying to put a curfew on me. That's my story, I just wish someone would've tied me down the first time I mentioned "beer run" LOL. But everything will work out, right? It'll all blow over...at least I hope so. But, on the brighter side...I am now known as Crazy Lauren, and I'm a Leander legend...so my friends say. ~Myndlss1

Just for work, huh? That sucks but I guess it's better than nothing.
I'm leaving tonight so I'll talk to ya when I get back. Try not to get in too much trouble.