What's up ya'll? How was everyones weekend? I had a great weekend. The circus was fun, especially the dirkbike part
and my best friends party was awesome, I got REALLY drunk, fell down this hill trying to get to the lake, lol. But...I managed to get there, and went swimming. I didn't feel too great when I woke up this morning though, but I made it through the day, I even got to leave work early which was really cool but kinda sucked because I need the hours. Oh well. Anyways, have a good Monday everyone!

It's not roommates... it's my parent's account. I have my own AIM and yahoo ID and e-mail accounts... but I've been using my parent's for so long that I never feel like switching over. No one ever sends mail to any account but the "covnar" one.
I've been busy. Now I'm tired. I should be in for a few days. I need the rest.