There are few things more frustrating than having feelings for someone, having those feelings reciprocated, but not being able to act upon them because of other factors. It's hard for me to know where to draw the line, or where I should go from here. So I'm going to reach out for a little advice, and hopefully you guys might be able to shine some light into my brain cavern.
There's a girl I've had feelings for for a couple years now, but she's always been in a relationship so I've just let it sit and not said anything. Last month she decided to tell me that she had feelings for me and that she's been incredibly unhappy the last year and felt like she needed to tell me about it. So we start talking a bit more and find out that we have even more in common than either of us had initially thought. So all of this seems great..but now for the difficulties.
She's got a boyfriend that she lives with that she claim's she is not happy with. He's the father of her child. She lives 500 miles away. The distance doesn't really bother me because I know that she wants to move here to be closer to her parents. The fact that she has a child doesn't bother me at all because he's an awesome child, but the boyfriend thing is the hardest bit because she said she knows she shouldn't be with him but she doesn't know how to leave him. She's afraid that leaving him will damage her son irreparably.
So how do I deal with this? The feelings I have are strong enough that I'm willing to wait around for her to hopefully realize she wants to leave him and maybe come for me, but what do you think? What course of action should I pursue, what would you do?