I am super stoked.

Tomorrow I'm getting my septum pierced. I've been talking about it for years, but now I'm finally gonna make this happen. Just a little bummed that work is against it, so I'll get to rotate it every day...
Goddamn Brand New is so fitting to just about every situation. I have a total man crush on Jesse Lacy.

"Okay I Believe You, but My Tommy Gun Don't" has got to have 100x more meaning to me in this last few months than it ever has.
Migraines....what assholes.

Woke up this morning feeling like my head was splitting in two, and fortunately they were doing some really loud yard work outside....so that helped things. I have a couple awesome employees, so they decided they could handle it today and told me to stay home. Sometimes I really dig being the boss.

In other news, how the hell had I not heard...
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die antwoord is craziness. love em. also, i think waking up to loud horribleness outside or inside really fucks your whole day up. hopefully you got rid of the migraine.
I did fortunately....a little bit of head massage goes a long long way.
Edit: Definitely over this shit.
Sorry you are going through that, can't imagine how brutal...
It's definitely not the best, but all we can do is go forward right?