How are you supposed to even meet people anymore?
I am really enjoying making videos for YouTube. I'm hoping that I can keep it up, and maybe get a bit more entertaining. It would be pretty awesome to get to the point where I make a video a week or something like that. On that note, here's my most recent video.
I ate a habanero, I know it's not the hottest thing in the...
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I've been watching a lot of YouTube lately....probably too much. Watching a lot of these videos though has inspired me to actually do some of the ridiculous challenges I've watched. I've tried the Diet Coke Chug Challenge, several times, I tried eating a crapload of BabyBel cheeses (never doing that again), and last night I tried the 12 Cans of Xmas challenge. I don't think...
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I'm just gonna hang out over here and be incredibly awkward
....I wish I had that smooth part of the brain that people like.
So I went on a blind date tonight. We met up at a pub, had a few pints and seemed to be hitting it off. She asked me if I'd take her home, and I'm a gentleman so I obliged. On the way back she asked if I'd like to hang out a bit and have another beer or two. I'm never one to turn...
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There are few things more frustrating than having feelings for someone, having those feelings reciprocated, but not being able to act upon them because of other factors. It's hard for me to know where to draw the line, or where I should go from here. So I'm going to reach out for a little advice, and hopefully you guys might be able to shine some...
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I really wish I could make my feelings turn off. I'm sick of going out of my way for someone only to have it ignored. At this point it is shame on me because I know it's going to happen, but my stupid heart won't stop.
What's the easiest way to move on from someone...cause I'm desperate at this point.
So, it's not the best quality (fuckin' YouTube), but here's a video of me taking on the Tough Mudder in Seattle last weekend.
It was easily the most difficult thing I've ever done, but I already signed up to do it again next year. My out of shape ass is breathing pretty heavy inside the first few miles, but it got a bit easier once...
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This is a super drastic change from the old site, but I think I might just like it.
So yesterday was one of the most physically challenging days of my entire life; I ran, and completed, the Tough Mudder in Seattle. I had never run more than 6 miles (on a treadmill) and I was definitely not in the shape I needed to be, but...
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I'm really quite over giving my all to people only to have them ditch me in the end regardless. It seems like such a bullshit excuse to tell someone, "You're perfect and you've done nothing wrong, I just don't feel it anymore." I'm too nice though to tell her to move out....this is the worst, most awkward situation I've ever been...
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I'm going to be taking a few weeks off to go travel for a little bit, but then it's right back into the grind to start on my bachelors program. Software engineering
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