How many of you folks out there have ever heard of Jonathan Coulton?
...oh my god I think he may very well be my favorite relatively unknown singer. How the hell this guy isn't massively famous is beyond me.
Maybe its his look. But seriously....get over yourself Hollywood. Nerds are the one's spending the big bucks.
Tell me what you think of these....
"re: Your Brains"
"Baby Got Back"
Too much fun.
Hey click this too.....THIS LINK RIGHT HERE YO!!!!!
...I love each and everyone of your faces, throats, and particularly your elbows.
...oh my god I think he may very well be my favorite relatively unknown singer. How the hell this guy isn't massively famous is beyond me.
Maybe its his look. But seriously....get over yourself Hollywood. Nerds are the one's spending the big bucks.
Tell me what you think of these....
"re: Your Brains"
"Baby Got Back"
Too much fun.
Hey click this too.....THIS LINK RIGHT HERE YO!!!!!
...I love each and everyone of your faces, throats, and particularly your elbows.