This is now officially 11 days late...but who the fuck cares? Definitely not this guy...
So Halloween was fun. I don't know why I didn't bring this up earlier, but I just got a picture of me from a friend so it jogged the memory I suppose. I digress...
I had no idea what I wanted to dress up as because I contain zero creativity. So I had a few beers (at noon) and began to think of ideas. Just so you know, alcohol does wonders for creativity.
Wait, not creativity, it does wonders for procrastination....
I had a friend coming over at 10:30pm so we could go hit the bars and what not and it was now 9:45pm and still no costume idea. Oh fuck, thats pretty much now huh?
So (drunk) I look around my place and see some boxes left over from when I moved. Then my brain starts working...
Wait a minute...if I do this, and some of this. Grab some tape and do this I can be....
I love beer.

And thus the "Shred Knight" was born...and got drunker.
Much time passes and I head back home...I'm stumbling down my alley and off to one side is a moving pile of leaves. I look a little closer and notice there are two drunks making sweet sweet love in that leaf pile (quite romantic I must say).
So (being drunk) I think of the best course of action...I ask them if they need a blanket.
The girl screams, "OH MY GOD HE CAN SEE US!?!?!?!"
and the guy goes, "SO?"
I love Halloween....see you next year
So Halloween was fun. I don't know why I didn't bring this up earlier, but I just got a picture of me from a friend so it jogged the memory I suppose. I digress...
I had no idea what I wanted to dress up as because I contain zero creativity. So I had a few beers (at noon) and began to think of ideas. Just so you know, alcohol does wonders for creativity.
Wait, not creativity, it does wonders for procrastination....
I had a friend coming over at 10:30pm so we could go hit the bars and what not and it was now 9:45pm and still no costume idea. Oh fuck, thats pretty much now huh?
So (drunk) I look around my place and see some boxes left over from when I moved. Then my brain starts working...
Wait a minute...if I do this, and some of this. Grab some tape and do this I can be....
I love beer.

And thus the "Shred Knight" was born...and got drunker.
Much time passes and I head back home...I'm stumbling down my alley and off to one side is a moving pile of leaves. I look a little closer and notice there are two drunks making sweet sweet love in that leaf pile (quite romantic I must say).
So (being drunk) I think of the best course of action...I ask them if they need a blanket.
The girl screams, "OH MY GOD HE CAN SEE US!?!?!?!"
and the guy goes, "SO?"
I love Halloween....see you next year
No, guitar hero not rules, me...mmm, not too...
you and your "simpata" rules
(sorry, I don't know how do u say in english...)
thank you fro your love on my cupcake set!!! its very much appreciated! xoxoxoxo