So yesterday I guaged my ears up to 3/4" finally. I did it in the shower so I could use the heat of the water to aide in the stretching process, and it worked like a charm.
Halfway though my workday they began to throb...HORRIBLY. 4 hours of pain later I decided i couldn't take it anymore and I retired the 3/4" bastards.
I put my 11/16" plugs in and all was well. Well, not so much. My right ear was being a fuckwad and was looking a little swollen...if only that was the case.
I woke up this morning and my ear looked like a cross between a fresh fucked asshole and a donut. Not exactly the most appetizing combination. This sonuvabitch is kicking my ass hardcore.
I'm almost considering a Van Gogh and cutting the shit off.
Someone distract me.....
Halfway though my workday they began to throb...HORRIBLY. 4 hours of pain later I decided i couldn't take it anymore and I retired the 3/4" bastards.
I put my 11/16" plugs in and all was well. Well, not so much. My right ear was being a fuckwad and was looking a little swollen...if only that was the case.
I woke up this morning and my ear looked like a cross between a fresh fucked asshole and a donut. Not exactly the most appetizing combination. This sonuvabitch is kicking my ass hardcore.
I'm almost considering a Van Gogh and cutting the shit off.
Someone distract me.....
Thx for your request! ^^