so i now remember why i am not on here as often as i was before. this site is going to shit. i dont care to post on the boards since it full of stupid people going off on his or her little rant. i cant believe people actually think that the decision by the fcc to further deregulate is not going to affect them....
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sometimes jesus smiles.

i am so tired. i wrote a six page paper in one night. i am such a fucking procrastintor. i had all weekend but instead decided to go out drinking until three am a couple of times.

only two weeks of school left. i am done with finals june 12th or 14th. it doesnt matter, i am ready for a break.
fuck school.
i'm over it all.

when he smiles does it blind you?
i have nothing to say.
welcome to the club my friend.
most the time people don't listen anyway.
when my apt mate's girlfriend runs around the apt she reminds me of a big baby. she has a bit of a big head, doesnt move her arms much, her feet pound harder than normal, and you rarely see it happen. overall i think it is funny. i dont think i can tell her or my buddy. just thought i should share.
hey I thought you were adding a pic?

big head....hahaha!

you should tell em'

watch you'll do it when your drunk
i decided it was time to redo my profile. i am going to leave it blank for a couple of days and will fill in the info fresh with how i am feeling at that time. it should be interesting if nothing else. end.
it better be or else..........
so i went to the health center today and they told me i most likely have strep throat. this is so shitty. i feel so tired and i cant swallow. one of my profs is going to let me take my midterm on a later date when i feel better and i am waiting to hear what the other one says.

all i have done...
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thanks for the nice words

yea they were anouncing that concert on sunday. all i could think was why in the hell don't i go to ucsc!?

i'm so jelous

its so easy to meet cool girls their too....you fuckin bastard

tell your mom to watch outwink
hey i was drinking a forty....
so i woke up feeling like shit today. i dont want to move around too much. i think i am going to skip my first two classes but go to the last one and then to work. i hope it will pass quickly. i can hardly swallow and there is a yellow blotch on my arm. i am reluctant to go to the health center...
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fuck being sick
*cough cough*
oh what a birthday. i managed to survive and lose my taste for alcohol (at least for a short while). i dont really know what to say so i will leave you with this: i have two midterms on monday and a fuck load of reading to do before i will be ready for either one. all i want to do is watch the sopranos...
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happy birthday to me. i am still not feeling well and have econometrics homework to do still. my paper is done except for a concluding paragraph that needs to be expanded upon. it is such a shitty rough draft. if my prof actually reads throught it, which is highly unlikely, he will realize i was unable to get one of the books i needed from...
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the hookup is Saturday May 10th at the Saturn Cafe. oops we didn't pick a time.
are you drunk?