can you believe they have already started selling easter candy? this is bad news for me. i have already had a couple of cadbury cream eggs and half a box of peeps. this is just since sunday. when is easter anyways? isnt not for a wihle. i know i have spring break before it, so it must be aways away. yea for easter and it deliciously oversweet treats. i feel as if i am a step closer to diabetes every time i eat one.
ps, i have really gotten into the interpol album. i put the lyrics aside and am really feeling the sound.
ps, i have really gotten into the interpol album. i put the lyrics aside and am really feeling the sound.

i just looked at my calender easter isnt till april 20 more then 2 months away. oooh corporate america when will you ever learn. NEVER as long as people keep supporting it.