i have bored these last two days in oc. i should have stayed in sc this weekend and come home yesterday. i cant believe how incredibly whipped some of my friends have gotten. oh well, so it goes. i just hope that they are happy in their relationships. thinking about going out tonight but dont know what to do. it is all rainy and miserable. i am going to go see my grandma in her new place today. that should be interesting.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 06, 2003
so i now remember why i am not on here as often as i was before. thi… -
Wednesday May 28, 2003
sometimes jesus smiles. i am so tired. i wrote a six page paper… -
Friday May 23, 2003
i have nothing to say. -
Sunday May 18, 2003
blah. -
Tuesday May 13, 2003
when my apt mate's girlfriend runs around the apt she reminds me of a… -
Thursday May 08, 2003
i decided it was time to redo my profile. i am going to leave it bla… -
Saturday May 03, 2003
so i went to the health center today and they told me i most likely h… -
Friday May 02, 2003
so i woke up feeling like shit today. i dont want to move around too… -
Thursday May 01, 2003
oh what a birthday. i managed to survive and lose my taste for alcoh… -
Monday Apr 28, 2003
happy birthday to me. i am still not feeling well and have econometr…