i think i failed a miterm today. oh well, life goes on. i am going to be lazy and not do much until next tuesday. good for me.
i keep feeling as if i am becoming a worse person as i get older. i found myself walking around wondering what i am doing with my life. is this really the person i want to be? i cant see things getting better for me anytime soon. i need something to turn my life around. fuck.
funny shit, sc.
i have decided to do a long journal entry, mostly to procrastinate from studying.
so i was accepted to my education abroad program this week. i am super excited about it. i will be leaving for denmark at the end july or in early august. the program lasts until the end of december so i will miss some important holidays but will gain a wealth...
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It's my understanding that iron skillets should never be washed, merely wiped out with paper towels. It's a kooky southern thing.
i made an apple tort in it and sticky caramel got all up in that bitch.
just got back from seeing donnie darko at the midnight showing. that is such a great movie. i better not have dreams of that fucking rabbit.
i sure am tired of midterms even though i havent actually had one yet. wish me luck, my first one is thurs night.
up too late again. i have so much work to do in the next week and a half but can not find the motivation to get it all done. i guess i will just have to buckle down this weekend and not get drunk. it will be for the best anyways. i keep hooking up with girls i wouldnt hook up under different circumstances. i...
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writing a paper about the decline of labor unions. i havent learned as much as i had hoped going into it.
my helper monkey would have caught me before i accidently posted in my journal.
helter said
I think people put WAY too much stock in the presidents speaking ability. Really, how you sound when speaking to the public rarely has anything to do with what you're saying or how you feel about it. Some people just aren't good at public speaking.

Do you not realize that European nations don't clean up his speeches and much as the US press...
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