i really think that it is time for me to get a pic up...i have only been a member for over a year now. by the way, why does my membership say june 02? i was on here way before then. i guess it is time to stop worrying about that and work and getting a pic up. i guarentee i will have one up...
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april....damn you are a slow worker.

i searched les savy fav.
surprised to find a few.
im responding to only you.
night night.
i am broke so i am going to stay in and watch a movie with a friend. she might bring over a friend of hers that i have admired from a far for a while. she has never introduced me to her so i feel weird approaching her. oh well, it should be a fun night in.
I'm assuming by now the night is already in progress, but i'll offer advice anyway. Be your self, relax, be confident, chicks really do love it.
Wal-mart is cheap and i'm freakin poor so there you go. Also it's open 24 hours and i'm a super late night person me and my hubby both. We get up at about 4pm and go to bed at about 6-8 am so our options are very limited. Are you the guy that says he wants to blow them up , All of them. Cause then we'd have no place to go at 2am.
i sure am drunk right now. i cant really focus too well. i am counting on my typing skills to get me through this. i ended up drinking a 40 in a little under 20 minutes. that got me pretty drunk, especially with the wine i drank. i sure have been self-destructive recently. i guess that is part of being this age. good luck for...
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peanut butter yes, jelly no. I think the peanut butter would just make it tougher but be my guest.

yea, i feel yah on that self destructive shit. Most time I don't even realize how drunk I am. I'll plan on only having a couple drinks but that turns in to a bottle, a couple beers turns into a 12 pack and so in so forth. Well it's better while were young I guess.

have fun at class tomorrow loser! haha....I love fridays offtongue
can you believe they have already started selling easter candy? this is bad news for me. i have already had a couple of cadbury cream eggs and half a box of peeps. this is just since sunday. when is easter anyways? isnt not for a wihle. i know i have spring break before it, so it must be aways away. yea for easter and it...
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i just looked at my calender easter isnt till april 20 more then 2 months away. oooh corporate america when will you ever learn. NEVER as long as people keep supporting it.
just got done making a mix cd. it has good songs on it but it is only the third or fourth one i have done. i need practice making the cd flow properly so that i dont have the microphones and then the yeah yeah yeahs coming on after. nothing is worse than a bad mix cd because of its layout.
it's all about the layout. the yeahyeahyeahs are coming to my rainy little town in a couple months think i'm going to check them out. their going to be going up the west coast at the end of april, they are playing a few shows in cali, keep your eyes out.
today was my brothers birthday, he is 24. i called and talked to him for the first time since i was home for winter break. he is doing well for himself, went to a movie for his birthday. every time that i talk to him we talk about the same stuff and i am realizing how different we have become. since leaving home i have...
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i think i should add one thing. anyone who reads this needs to know i absolutely love my brother with all of my heart. being honest about his situation has been one of the hardest things i have done.
I won't say anything because I'm sure it'll be stupid and ignorant of the situation and your feelings.

But I will say thank you, I do feel fairly professional for being able to keep lit in the shower, and I'm excited that les savy fav will be coming through town soon.
my brother's birthday is wed and i havent sent out his present yet. i ended up buying him the wagon's east dvd, a book on fighter planes from world war II and another on the history of ice hockey. i am sure he will enjoy them if i ever get them to him. while i was out i ended up buying myself a couple of...
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i realy miss santa cruz frown
I know, I will probably have a hard time finding Lisa and Grandpa. I have seen some of the more difficult to find stuff on Ebay, but it's expensive. I'll get them all in time.
going to an 80s party tonight put on by my roommates, girlfriends, housmate. did you follow? it seems kind of half-assed but it will be fun to shake my booty to new wave. i am not planning on dressing up since i dont feel like buying any new clothes. the next time you hear from me i will be really hung over.

my door keeps...
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watch out the boogie man is comin!!!

hmmm....an acronym, sounds good I''l think too

yep i'm drunk and this took twice as long to type

do the moon walk!
dressing up in 80s fashion is so fun though
omg you have amazing taste in music
i am not going to finish my homework. i cant believe i am an econ major. it has been fine up until intermediate macroeconomics. i read the text book and have no idea what is going on. i am too lazy for the class right now. i got a 57% on the midterm. it may sound bad but i still got a higher score than...
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world domination?
what would we call our organization?

economics hurts my head....
well you have loads more patience than me. i am horrible at waiting...unless i have a good reason too
i keep putting off doing my homework. it is going to take me a couple of hours tomorrow. i really dont like the class anyways but have to get through it to learn the good stuff. i guess there are only a couple of weeks left so i can struggle through it. i find out what i get on the midterm tomorrow. the class average...
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i am going to denmark and i just learned my friends band should be touring in europe this summer. it would be awesome if we could meet up. i hope it works out.
i am jelous
baby jesus would laugh if he saw it happen

history, ehh
good stuff
listening to the magnetic fiields 69 love songs, pt 1. it is such a good collection of a variety of music genres by one genius man. the only problem is that it makes me sad at times. it is still truly amazing. check it out.