so my test tomorrow is only worth ten percent of my grade. that is a good thing considering i only know about ten percent of the material. i am going to have some hardcore studying to do before that bitch.
good luck man...whats it on?

just kidding i dig tofu
hey you ever eat at good kharma in san jose?
veitnamies(sp) veagan place
its super cheap
get a meal for about 3 bucks no lie
you should check it out
i cant believe i already have a test on friday. fucking econometrics. the prof was suppose to post the solutions to the homework after class but hasnt gotten around to it. now i am forced to go to section tomorrow without knowing what i did wrong and what i need help on. i am going to be super-screwed for this first test.

on happier frontiers,...
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hahaa...you know i will be down in LA....damn your mom is going up there huh...oh well someother time
i'm not a wise ass
i'm a mystery damn it!
a mystery wrapped up in an enigma, coverd by a puzzle, put into a riddle....or something like that.

i figure if someone really wants to know they'll ask....this way it's more fun
my birthday wishlist:

law and order dvd of first season
tommy boy dvd
party with friends attending (including those from high school coming up from anaheim)
an excellent time with no trip to the hospital
bingo mi amigo
i think it all matters on how something is presented.

the food network is great too but it just makes me hungry...
i have been pretty busy/sick as of late. i am working a lot of hours this quarter. it will be good for the old bank account. maybe i will be able to save enough money to travel around europe before going to denmark. most likely i will just have to spend it all on rent for summer.

my spring break was pretty good. i drank...
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i felt like adding a little something to this long entry of mine. i left for spring break with high hopes of seeing many shows in april but when i came back most of them had been sold out. i am still looking forward to seeing cat power and the dirty three but am missing so many others. i am going to try and see the kills at bottom of the hill but i will have to use my fake id for it. it is nine days too early. grr.
way more eventful than my spring break.
didn't do shit
hahahaa you TJ whore
i remember going there in highschool.
dirty strip club what was it called?
i never went into one of those places with out my buddy that is a native speaker...we got hooked up with things...lap dances and such....
i feel so dirty...
update time, it has been awhile. i am back up at school and doing well. i am not going to write much of my exploits right now, i am too tired. i have all three of my classes for the first time this quarter tomorrow. i guess i should get some sleep. i work at 830 in the morning. a spring break recap will be...
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yea this class is pretty cool death and dying in modern europe and u.s. it's a writting seminar so basicly you just go over research methods and at the end of the term you turn in a paper that is some how related to death...i'm thinking about bloody sunday...but i dunno
i am leaving for home tomorrow. well, i am first going to santa barbara to drop off my friend and maybe have a drunken night of bebauchery. after that i have no real plans for the week except fill out a bunch of paperwork for my education abroad thing next year. i also get to go to the doctor and have a physical. cough, cough....
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hope your break was better than mine.

where is home?
hanging out with the crush was really good tonight; until she finally told me she was involved with someone. after so much flirting between the two of us and so much contact i was shocked to find out there was someone else. life sucks like that. i guess it is better to find out now than to find out later. it still hurts but not...
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such is the lovers path.

join me in a drink friend.

got puke?
i am so relieved. finals are over, i can drive to work today, i get to take a nice long shower. life is good. my boy dave will be in town for a couple of days. it should be fun hanging out with him for a while and going to some end of quarter parties. i am stinky and am going to shower.
yep bonfires are fun. i like fire.

welcome to the no more school for a week club. we are an elite group and you've earned it.

have fun!
done with final number two. one more to go on thurs. it will be a lot easier than these. my boy dave is coming up thurs and i am hanging out with my crush. yea for thurs. no more finals, an old friend will visit, i will see my lovely lady. does life get better?
hmm, i don't think so. that is pretty damn good. i'll be done tomorrow. whoo hooo!!! gunna go to a bonfire tomorrow night. i love big contained fires.
I have one book listed now. I'll get more up soon. Thank you for the hello! Glad you're finals are all over!
finished one final, it went relatively well. it was a lot better than i expected. i have four and a half hours to study for my next one. first i need some rest. good grief.
two finals on tuesday. im fucked.
oh yea so am i....
i have one tomorrow
did i study?
i drank.
i am so tired. i stayed up way too late drinking last night and now have to study all day.
yep it was just one of those nights.

face is all healed up. i got a cool scar above my eye now. i got the hospital bill the other day $545 for seven stiches!! its unbeleivable how much the over charge.
Hello there. You can buy Magadanskaya vodka (or Maggy vodka) at U-save liquors and Cabrillo liquors. There's a few other places but these 2 are the cheapest. U-save is on Mission street on the west side and Cabrillo liquors is on Soquel on the way to Cabrillo College. You really should buy some-it's AWESOME!!!! smile