two days until big 22. i do not want to be older than 21. hell, i didnt want to be older than 18 but to drink legally i had to.

i finished my paper for tomorrow night while at work this afternoon and just have to do some editing while i am at work in the morning. it is nice to be free from that...
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happy birthday,smile
wow, big update for me on sg. you know what this means, right? yep, i have lots of work to do.

i am taking my senior seminar in history and have to read a book a week and write 5 or 6 pages of analysis. it is ridiculous amounts of work but i think i can do it. i have already said goodbye to my...
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peice of cake...historical writting is a pattern tongue

yea i'm kidding....or am I
1. how many times do you jerk off a week?
98 and a 1/2 times
2. is it normal to jerk off 20 times a week, even if you are having regular sex?
sure, if you got the stamina
3. do you like jokes?
yes, i like most
1.What is your favorite place to visit?
2.What is your favorite place to eat?
3.What is your favorite place to just be?
oh where oh where has ruby gone? no pictures left, not even a trace. i am thoroughly bummed.
yeper my friend many girls are gone....my favorite was amber

she had the evil eye
i stopped in santa cruz late thursday night. same as it ever was
today is the day i get back on suicide girls. it has been a long time since i have seen the site. i blame europe. i wasnt able to have internet access while i was away. hell, i didnt even have a land line. i had to buy a mobile phone. what a crazy place that europe is. i am looking forward to going back.
lots and lots of changes as you can see....they seem to constantly adding and changing things
many many new girlswink

you have alot of catching up here
so i will soon be leaving the suicidegirls.com family since i will be studying in copenhagen and have limited internet access. i hope to rejoin you all soon but not untillate december or early january. i wish i had the money to keep paying for the site while i am away but i will be on an even tighter budget than now since i will...
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awww too bad

at least youre coming back
well your off to better things. Have a great time!

you will be missed!
i am tired of my gf's housemate. she is so inconsiderate of my gf. they are moving out of their apt and she hasnt done what she was suppose to. she was on the phone for a couple of hours with her boy when she should have been cleaning the place out. granted she was using one hand to clean but she wasnt going too...
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when did you get a girlfriend casonova?

why is it that i love morgan? oh yeah, because she is rational and thinks like me. good job.
it has been awhile since i have updated. here goes...i got sunburnt at the beach yesterday after eating an excellent meal of biscuits and gravy and home-fried potatoes. i treat my girl pretty well in the food department. she likes them biscuits and gravy and i am always happy to make them for her.

last night she gave me a present. it was season one...
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i am done with school for now. the next time i will sit in lecture will be in copenhagen. that is so exciting.

fo now i have nothing to do. i am going home to anaheim on monday for the week. my mom's birthday and my friend anthony's birthday are in the same week. i couldnt miss them both. plus, anthony is turning 21. it...
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have fun!

damn copenhagen!?
i'm jelous
finals begin on monday. that shall be fun. my first final is monday morning at 8am. i need to read a lot and study even more.
good luck!
so i now remember why i am not on here as often as i was before. this site is going to shit. i dont care to post on the boards since it full of stupid people going off on his or her little rant. i cant believe people actually think that the decision by the fcc to further deregulate is not going to affect them....
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sometimes jesus smiles.

i am so tired. i wrote a six page paper in one night. i am such a fucking procrastintor. i had all weekend but instead decided to go out drinking until three am a couple of times.

only two weeks of school left. i am done with finals june 12th or 14th. it doesnt matter, i am ready for a break.
fuck school.
i'm over it all.

when he smiles does it blind you?