Blazing Autumn by James Scoppettone
I miss the fall.
~The smell of the crisp air, not cold enough for a coat, but just enough for a sweatshirt.
~The colors of the leaves, the almost purple reds, the bright yellows and oranges. Playing in them with the kids, jumping in the piles of leaves that we just raked. The blue color of the road after the rain when the sun hits it just right.
~Apple picking til you can't carry one more. Fresh cider. All the great pies, sauces, and crisps made with those straight off the trees fruits. Bright red candy apples.
~The smell of burning leaves as it gets closer to halloween.
~Pumpkins, all carved on doorsteps. Lit up at night to give just the right amouont of glow. Making toasted pumkin seeds out of the remaining insides (lightly salted of course)
~Watching movies while wrapped up in a blanket with something warm to drink. Wearing my flannel pj's.
There is so much more to it, but I can't even begin to put the rest into words. And most will never understand until they've spent an autumn in New England. These things are present all over the country (well, except here) but something about being in the Northeast made it special.
Well, I started to catch up on journals. Once I finish those, I'll be off to catch up on the groups. I've been so tired lately. part is physical, and I'm sure part is mental. I have to fix that.
Here is a Sample "April's Schedule"
6:00 am - get up and get me ready for work, get the kid ready for daycare.
7:00 am - Leave to drop kid off, start on way to the office.
8:00 am - Start work
4:00 pm - Leave work (unless I'm working in the gallery that night)
5:00 pm - Pick up kid
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:00 pm - Bath time for the boy
8:00 pm - Bedtime for boy. Read for an hour.
9:00 pm - Bedtime for me.
Exciting isn't it.
Well off to spend some time with the boy on my one day off this week. Catch up with you later

How did friday go?
I'll call you tomorrow.
Well, I'm in the process of two things right now.
One, getting my shit back. I realized she also has my SG hoodie, so there's no way that I'm going to give up on the plans of retrieval. I thought it was going to happen tonight, but she went to bed early, and I was out late. Dammit.
Two, the other girl called me while I was out with my friend tonight, and afterwards my friend noted how giddy just seeing her name on my caller ID made me. We're making plans tomorrow afternoon for Round #2, which will happen sometime next week. I'm psyched.