Sorry guys, I need to rant for a moment... Maybe the men in the crowd can answer a few questions for me.
1) This is a silly question, but I'll ask it anyway just to see what you say: When the hell do men ever grow up? If you are living in the middle of the tropics there are gonna be girls in bikinis around. many of them.. do you have to honk and yell at all of us? please.
2) Why are you so afraid of a woman with kids? This is an easy thing for me to mention to guys here. Most conversations will lead to the "Where did you move here from? Damn, that's far, did you move by yourself?" Nope It was just me and my son "Oh." I have asked this question of the guys hundreds of times, but I have never got and answer that makes sense. I don't want a dad for my kid, he has one. No, I can't drop everything to run away for a weekend. If you give me a day or 2 notice I probably can.
3) Why, oh why, would you ask for my # and give every sign that you are gonna call, then don't? I don't think I'm that intimidating of a person (Quiet Pip). O this could also be reference back to #2.
That's it, I'm almost about ready to give up on guys. I have lost almost all faith in you as a gender. there are a few (VERY few) exceptions here, but otherwise fuck it. I'm done with games, I'm done with people being afraid of the fact I have kids. I'm 27! Most of the guys I'm refering to are in their 30's! GROW UP AND GET OVER IT!
Well the rant is done. Now I can go back to being tired, stressed out, and lonely... very lonely. Yeah, I have my son to keep me company and to cuddle with while I unwind from work, but it would be nice to have an adult to do things with from time to time. Hell even someone just to sit and watch a game with woule be great.
Just a couple more weeks of overworking and I'll have some freedom. Just in time for football season
Maybe then I'll be back to myself... I hope. I don't like being like this. I just can't snap out of it lately. A little while here and there I'm fine, but then I crash.
Well here's to hoping next week is better! Cheers!
1) This is a silly question, but I'll ask it anyway just to see what you say: When the hell do men ever grow up? If you are living in the middle of the tropics there are gonna be girls in bikinis around. many of them.. do you have to honk and yell at all of us? please.
2) Why are you so afraid of a woman with kids? This is an easy thing for me to mention to guys here. Most conversations will lead to the "Where did you move here from? Damn, that's far, did you move by yourself?" Nope It was just me and my son "Oh." I have asked this question of the guys hundreds of times, but I have never got and answer that makes sense. I don't want a dad for my kid, he has one. No, I can't drop everything to run away for a weekend. If you give me a day or 2 notice I probably can.
3) Why, oh why, would you ask for my # and give every sign that you are gonna call, then don't? I don't think I'm that intimidating of a person (Quiet Pip). O this could also be reference back to #2.
That's it, I'm almost about ready to give up on guys. I have lost almost all faith in you as a gender. there are a few (VERY few) exceptions here, but otherwise fuck it. I'm done with games, I'm done with people being afraid of the fact I have kids. I'm 27! Most of the guys I'm refering to are in their 30's! GROW UP AND GET OVER IT!

Well the rant is done. Now I can go back to being tired, stressed out, and lonely... very lonely. Yeah, I have my son to keep me company and to cuddle with while I unwind from work, but it would be nice to have an adult to do things with from time to time. Hell even someone just to sit and watch a game with woule be great.
Just a couple more weeks of overworking and I'll have some freedom. Just in time for football season

Maybe then I'll be back to myself... I hope. I don't like being like this. I just can't snap out of it lately. A little while here and there I'm fine, but then I crash.
Well here's to hoping next week is better! Cheers!
2) I don't know the answer to that one, as I've not dated a woman with kids as of yet. It's not that I've avoided it, simply that the situation hasn't presented itself so far.*
3) Speaking from experience, i have lost people's phone numbers more than once, and I have also found numbers in my pockets the morning after a long drunken night out and realized either:
A) I have no face to connect to the name
or B) I realizes sober that I was an ass the night before and didn't call because I was too embarrassed to take the chance.
Embarrassing and lame, I know. None of this was recently, but still.
- S.
*PS - ever notice how close the "T" key is to the "R" key?
It makes it really easy to type "fart" when you mean "far".