--Wedding stuff is pretty much done.

--Last weekend we went to Toronto for the Toronto Gala. The ride up sucked. We got about 3 hrs into our 8 hr. trip before we realized that the garment bag with my dress and Pip's suit was still at home. Oops. So instead of getting to the Hotel at 4pm we got there at 12:30am. And the customs person we gt was a bitch. But once we got there and had some quality jacuzzi time, all was well. Saturday was spent hanging out with minimalism and yennabear. We went out for Lunch, did some souvenir shopping and went to the CN Tower. The glass floor kicked ss, but I liked the Outside observation deck the most.
At the Gala we met the fantastic Cereal_Killer and his lovely lady, Lucy, Lotus and her man candy (great guy by the way), Effie, Melantha, Martini (although I think I was the only one that didn't grope her

Brunch was another great time. This is where I got to meet KingofNoPants and Lisseth and a few others who I didn't get names for (ps if you have their names let me know... I'm horrible at remembering them.) After a great meal of French Toast and the best homefries EVER, Pip, minimalism, yennabear, and I went to Niagra Falss and took the Journey Under the Falls. It was Incredible and beautiful.
The ride home was uneventful, and that was a great thing. I wish we could have stayed for the Pirate Fetish Night on Saturday night, but alas the funds were lacking.
Monday was a great day of being home with my man. We don't have those often, so we take full advantage of it.
--My 30th Birthday is coming up this August. We'll be planning something for that weekend, so make sure you guys can get your ass out to Boston (or if you are here make sure you can get the night off from work). More to come as plans come together.
You may notice that Pip is grey. Unfortunately we are short on funds at the moment. As soon as we have the $$ he'll be back. And I shall keep him posted of all that is worth.
I think that is all for now. I'll try and not wait another month before posting again.
I just got this message on myspace and needed to share it with someone besides Pip (he was reading it as I was)
Subject: Never sure how to write a clever subject...
For that matter, I'm never sure how to write a clever message, however...
I'm sure this will just be one of 42896 messages you'll get today, but I quite like your main picture... probably because it isn't just in front of a mirror being taken with a cell phone.
(Which also translates to: "I kinda want to sneak up and tickle your feet right now, just so to see if you'll crack the full smile." But who says that?)
(Also, not so much "kinda" as "really".)
(Of course, maybe your feet aren't ticklish. These are the risks you take with such experiments.)
I'll stop typing now.
- J
This is the pic that he is referring to:
yeah... I don't get it either.
how cute !!