i got something cool to show in my next blog! =D
but till then im having a small contest for my doodle's facebook page =3
*copys and pastes contest post*

"YAY i got over 50 likes! what a perfect time to make a small contest!
Want to win 3 buttons of your choice? LIKE this pic and ill enter your name in my top hat! share the picture and ill enter your name again! =D ill choose a winner at the end of the month. Good luck! "
here is the link for the contest http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420435761338704&set=a.396048470444100.78810.393247104057570&type=1&theater
you can see a closer picture of each button here ------> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.393261820722765.78003.393247104057570&type=3

but till then im having a small contest for my doodle's facebook page =3
*copys and pastes contest post*

"YAY i got over 50 likes! what a perfect time to make a small contest!
Want to win 3 buttons of your choice? LIKE this pic and ill enter your name in my top hat! share the picture and ill enter your name again! =D ill choose a winner at the end of the month. Good luck! "
here is the link for the contest http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420435761338704&set=a.396048470444100.78810.393247104057570&type=1&theater
you can see a closer picture of each button here ------> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.393261820722765.78003.393247104057570&type=3

Yup! South Africa doesn't really have winter. I have only seen snow once and it was there for like a full 30 seconds. So yes, lying outside in the sun in winter
Liked your page and cool new profile pic <3