Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo with out bitching and venting about gonna need a new job once i get back from burning man. who has leads? x.x
i have some ideas already but thought it couldn't hurt to ask ^^
any who
made this for my dads bday. 1st try at something like this. made mistakes but now i know what to do next time =]

it makes things go boom!
oh and i doodled my self if i was a irken invader!
and a megaman legends fan art/doodle i just did. GRRR @ U DATA FOR BEATING ME TO EVERY BOSS!
mml3 got cancled =( <----sadface!
this is a quick sum up of what happened
plz help the blue bomber =[
by the time some one reads this ill be at burning man so cya all soon! =D
i have some ideas already but thought it couldn't hurt to ask ^^
any who
made this for my dads bday. 1st try at something like this. made mistakes but now i know what to do next time =]

it makes things go boom!
oh and i doodled my self if i was a irken invader!

and a megaman legends fan art/doodle i just did. GRRR @ U DATA FOR BEATING ME TO EVERY BOSS!

mml3 got cancled =( <----sadface!
this is a quick sum up of what happened
plz help the blue bomber =[
by the time some one reads this ill be at burning man so cya all soon! =D

Will do! 

i had a warm shower every day!!!