yay burning man ticket!

and i made FB cards to hand out to friends i make down there =]

and then i dyed my hair red cuz...um...*shrug*

and after i doodled over it

oh and i got the red ink put in yesterday

and 2 new buttons
cock soup!

and vampire spermy

and i made FB cards to hand out to friends i make down there =]

and then i dyed my hair red cuz...um...*shrug*

and after i doodled over it

oh and i got the red ink put in yesterday

and 2 new buttons
cock soup!

and vampire spermy

I'm feeling ok today. Thanks babe
I adore the pic you did of yourself! <3 I have No idea who made the hat, it was a gift and there are no labels or anything, but it is a funky hat, hats are rad <3. I love the red in your sleeve, love your sleeve, but I am sure I told you that before.