Oh yeah..
I just can't seem to get enough of this....

I'm like ridiculously easy to talk to. Just so you know. tongue
Cosmology 101

The Universe, to define it in the most basic of ways, is simply a vast repository of information.
The manner in which this information is manifested into the perceptible forms of matter and energy is simply a question of expression.
The masses and energies missing from our human scientific equations are out there. We simply lack the language to allow for a proper...
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I was wondering if you were ever actually gonna say anything to me. wink
I kind have always wondered what man/machine hybrids-Cyborgs if you will- would eventually end up looking like. And when we could expect their arrival-if ever. Well , William Gibson sure knows how to hit the nail on the proverbial head.
An excerpt I boosted from one of his blogs-

"The real cyborg, cybernetic organism in the broader sense, had been busy arriving as I watched...
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Whoooo....Fucking stellar.... !
Better than I could have ever hoped, someone checking out my obtuse mental ejecta. Not just riff-raff, mind you- the exquisite Kera- has visited. And I shall do my damnedest to sate the curiosity of my newest, bestest friend.... So to continue about my recent odd experience(s)....

A special headset was placed on my cranium by my hosts during a recent demonstration...
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sorry, I tried to understand what you've said about my set... but I couldn't understand it frown
really? distraction? i think it's so much more than that - it has to be. it helps us understand the world, and our place in it, shows us things we might not see normally....it has to be more than distraction....doesn't it?
Oh, I forgot to mention what a wild and surreal experience I had over the weekend..

....We wield remote controls to turn things on and off, make
them advance, make them halt. Ground-bound pilots use remotes to fly drone airplanes, soldiers to maneuver battlefield robots.

But manipulating humans?

Prepare to be remotely controlled. I was......

Interesting......tell us more.
J'ai souhait que je n'tais pas me. si j'ai appartenu aux pages de livres, coulant en dessous des profondeurs tourbillonant de type tournant la substance. suffoquant pour le souffle dbordant de prose, je noie calme. jusqu' ce qu'un vent palpite les pages, secouant me libre et je brise sur le bton au dessous. les virages de terre sans moi. peut-tre je resterai suspendu parmi les...
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And remember children...
Le plus sombre la baie, le plus doux le jus....
A candy colored clown they call the Sandman
Tiptoes to my room every night
Just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper
Go to sleep everything is all right.
I close my eyes. Then I drift away.
Into the magic night. I softly say
A silent prayer. Like dreams do.
Then I fall asleep
To dream my dreams of you.
In dreams, I walk with you....
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Thx for your comment kiss

the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long
dankeschn....womit hab ich denn das verdient.... confused kiss biggrin