Nothing brewing. Save for the outbreak of prospects for Collin to think about talking to, and then actually talk to them on the last day of the semester.
Because I have a lack of information, I'll go with nicknames:
Bus Girl.
Geeky/Quiet Girl.
The Girl Who I Have Seen Around Campus the Past Two Years, Girl. AKA, Former Chem-lab Girl.
Please note that these are...
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Because I have a lack of information, I'll go with nicknames:
Bus Girl.
Geeky/Quiet Girl.
The Girl Who I Have Seen Around Campus the Past Two Years, Girl. AKA, Former Chem-lab Girl.
Please note that these are...
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happy birthday, Collin. sucks there are only 2 people on your friends list to tell you that, but I gotcha, bro. 

i like quiet girls. i'm a quiet guy, and i like silence. did you ever talk to any of them?
Because a shoe collection makes you an SG?
In the real world of my life, I'm sitting in my boxers cruising the net. My Saturdays are so productive.
Classes are fine so far. I still have the lingering problem of being motivated to read any of the texts.
I did talk to this girl I knew from freshman year the other day and she ended...
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In the real world of my life, I'm sitting in my boxers cruising the net. My Saturdays are so productive.
Classes are fine so far. I still have the lingering problem of being motivated to read any of the texts.
I did talk to this girl I knew from freshman year the other day and she ended...
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maybe this weekend you'll be in your boxers again, but NOT cruising the net.

What the fuck is this? Four SG sets a day? I guess Missy has like ten thousand new girls who have to be posted. Sarcasm doesn't even begin to explain...
Other than that, all's good in the neighborhood.
Other than that, all's good in the neighborhood.

actually, that's pretty much the reason is backlog in submitted sets. from then on there will be higher standards to get sets and applicants accepted.
What the fuck happened to the AFI group?

there was an AFI group? I don't think there would be much to talk about other than going to shows and the usual teeny-bopper Davey Havok and/or Jade Puget worshipping.

you got other groups and the boards to to get on. I try to keep away from band-specific fan sites, because hardly any good or real interesting stuff comes out of it. It's good to see the band's news of upcoming projects and tours, but not 50,000 people talking about them over and over again with nothing really intelligent or useful to say.
Why am I still awake? Damn. I guess sleeping in until two in the afternoon everyday does have a tendancy to screw up sleeping patterns.
My last week here in the Magic City is coming to a quick and decisive end. In some ways I'll be glad I'm back in college, learning, expanding, growing. But on the same token, I'm a little melancholy over the...
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My last week here in the Magic City is coming to a quick and decisive end. In some ways I'll be glad I'm back in college, learning, expanding, growing. But on the same token, I'm a little melancholy over the...
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I think it's so odd youre classes are these very specific who-gives-a-shit? classes. Maybe that's just being a 4 year college. I'd just try to take "normal" and applicable classes towards my degree (which is Business). This semester, though, I have a Geology lecture and lab for one of my science requirements and a Business Communications class. My other 2 classes are Intro to Psychology and Music Appreciation just fill in elective requirements. I can never get into a damn PE class because it's like the first thing to go during registration.

it's not like I'll be gone tomorrow, but like I told you before, get a Myspace and add me if you want to get in touch.
So tonight was a total bust...not like I ever have exciting plans though.
Due to various family member obligations, it was just me and my old man out for dinner. I was slightly anxious about it, seeing as we hardly ever talk, but it went suprisingly well. Later, he and I got into his 67 GTO and drove around for a bit. For some reason,...
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Due to various family member obligations, it was just me and my old man out for dinner. I was slightly anxious about it, seeing as we hardly ever talk, but it went suprisingly well. Later, he and I got into his 67 GTO and drove around for a bit. For some reason,...
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a hood to your car would probably be a good buy. I mean, you got to keep that engine covered and all. don't want to look like some trashy ass fuckwad driving around. that could be a cockblock in itself. haha
it's good KC aka chi-mo is now done with that little jailbait slut. maybe he can deal with chicks that actually matter i.e. have the right right to vote.
it's good KC aka chi-mo is now done with that little jailbait slut. maybe he can deal with chicks that actually matter i.e. have the right right to vote.
Last day of work went without a hitch. Or did it? I hate opening, it's bullshit busy work. Thank God for the iPod I own and it's ability to drown out the guy playing System of a Down for the millionth time on his small stereo.
The guy who took my place was slow as hell, but nice. I'm just glad I'm done working for...
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The guy who took my place was slow as hell, but nice. I'm just glad I'm done working for...
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that seemed to go pretty well, although I'd get her number first. always have the upper hand
I hear ya on the chicks. when you get older, a pretty face doesn't seem all that much important to you as it used to. not like you're wanting a mutant with badass personality, but wow'ing people with how hot your gf is just seems petty and really doesn't deliver in the end. there's a reason why they're called "sport-fucks"

I hear ya on the chicks. when you get older, a pretty face doesn't seem all that much important to you as it used to. not like you're wanting a mutant with badass personality, but wow'ing people with how hot your gf is just seems petty and really doesn't deliver in the end. there's a reason why they're called "sport-fucks"
Still trying to get through the new cd's, so maybe the next entry will have my thoughts/reactions on them. So far, I can tell you that "This Corrosion" fucking rocks by The Sisters of Mercy, and that I'm pretty impressed by Pelican.
I'll be done with work tomorrow, so the long goodbyes and me finally talking to Taryn will come to pass. I will talk...
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I'll be done with work tomorrow, so the long goodbyes and me finally talking to Taryn will come to pass. I will talk...
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collin, don't deny yourself pleasure!
go see it, or rent it or buy it, just make sure you see it
go see it, or rent it or buy it, just make sure you see it

just happened to be on SG at the time

Still working my way through the new cds. I'll have a better, fuller, more detailed review of them when I get the chance to not only listen to them in my car, but also alone, in my room, without the hinderance of traffic.
So far, great purchases if I may be so bold.
New story, and I'm sure it will impress all:
My best friend,...
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So far, great purchases if I may be so bold.
New story, and I'm sure it will impress all:
My best friend,...
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dude, Collin, just break a foot off into KC's Chi-Mo ass and slap that cunt for running her mouth. if they ain't old enough to drink, they ain't old enough to matter.
sometimes females need to learn their place, as shitty as it sounds. teenage girls really are the epitome of needing to learn their roles.
the American female, while an object of great desire, should also be an object of criticism. too many of them have learned too early on the power they can have over males.
like my dad told me once: when you're soft you're hard, and when you're hard you're soft.
*hint: think in terms of your dick
sometimes females need to learn their place, as shitty as it sounds. teenage girls really are the epitome of needing to learn their roles.
the American female, while an object of great desire, should also be an object of criticism. too many of them have learned too early on the power they can have over males.
like my dad told me once: when you're soft you're hard, and when you're hard you're soft.
*hint: think in terms of your dick
when I was in Whidbey Island there was only 1 or 2 girls that I'd let cut my hair, and I'd be goddamned if I let the yapping-gossipping-officer's wife manager cut my hair.
my last couple of haircuts have been done by this cute Mexican chick at this place not far from my apartment. I should have gone there, paid the 12-15 bucks and I could have even flirted with her and spit game if needed. But instead I wanted to save the 6 fucking bucks and get my hair hacked to shit.
my last couple of haircuts have been done by this cute Mexican chick at this place not far from my apartment. I should have gone there, paid the 12-15 bucks and I could have even flirted with her and spit game if needed. But instead I wanted to save the 6 fucking bucks and get my hair hacked to shit.
Oooh, a whole bunch of goodness fell upon me yesterday. And when I speak of goodness, I mean me receiving quite a few cds into my possession. If I had a digital camera, I'd take pictures of myself holding up each individual case, but since that cannot happen, I'll stick to listing them:
Epoxies: Stop the Future
Sisters of Mercy: Floodland
A Silver Mt. Zion:...
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Epoxies: Stop the Future
Sisters of Mercy: Floodland
A Silver Mt. Zion:...
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Yeah, I didn't go out to that show, nor did I even check out Pelican online. I only say the assumption that they would be screamo crap because I checked out Breather Resist on Myspace and that's what they were. Usually those screamo crap bands all play together, so there's almost no dissertion from one band to another. They're all trying to be the next Norma Jean or Underoath.
don't ask me. those screamo fashion kids tend to like a bunch of noise loosely put together by the same vocalization style and no traditional song structure, i.e. Norma Jean and Underoath type bands.
verse-chorus-verse-chorus motherfuckers, learn how to put a song together instead of slapping riffs together and lamenting about your breakup and how Jesus will get you through it.
fuck, I hate those kinds of bands.
verse-chorus-verse-chorus motherfuckers, learn how to put a song together instead of slapping riffs together and lamenting about your breakup and how Jesus will get you through it.

fuck, I hate those kinds of bands.
God, I hate Talk about a swan dive into shit. Everything is crap anymore that they review so I shouldn't even bother. But at least their poster boy Sufjan Stevens is getting plenty of press.
Last night, on break from work, I hit a deer. Not only did I feel like shit when I hit it, being the animal lover that I am, but...
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Last night, on break from work, I hit a deer. Not only did I feel like shit when I hit it, being the animal lover that I am, but...
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I don't see why your dad should flip out, but I don't know your dad.
All I'd worry about is my insurance paying for it, you know, BECAUSE THEY DESERVE TO PAY! Sorry, Stealing Harvard reference there. haha
sister backing into lightpole = ass chewing
a deer hitting you = no ass chewing

sister backing into lightpole = ass chewing
a deer hitting you = no ass chewing
i'm gonna give you some advice since i work in a dealership. everyone pretty much makes commision, so they set the price. so call around and get quotes from different dealerships and different body shops.
take the best quote and keep reminding them of what everyone else quoted you and say i need something better than this.
you will be surprised may save you acuple hundred dollars.
take the best quote and keep reminding them of what everyone else quoted you and say i need something better than this.
you will be surprised may save you acuple hundred dollars.
There are reasons for friends.
Since last fall, when KC and I had nothing to do with our lives, which quickly welded into one, we entertained the idea of a cross-country baseball trip. The plan was great, take the train out to Fargo, pick up an old high school friend, then head off for an adventure.
Games we would see were in Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit,...
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Since last fall, when KC and I had nothing to do with our lives, which quickly welded into one, we entertained the idea of a cross-country baseball trip. The plan was great, take the train out to Fargo, pick up an old high school friend, then head off for an adventure.
Games we would see were in Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit,...
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well, sometimes you have to expect that from friends that get pussy whipped. Paul McCartney tickets sounds pretty good though, so I could probably understand, but hey, if you're saving the money, good the fuck on ya.
oh well, I guess. sometimes sacrificing short term fun for long time comfort is part of being an adult. it's just a matter of finding that short-term fun to throw in the mix occasionally so you don't burn yourself completely out.
oh well, I guess. sometimes sacrificing short term fun for long time comfort is part of being an adult. it's just a matter of finding that short-term fun to throw in the mix occasionally so you don't burn yourself completely out.