I never really understood frat boys and those paddles they hang on their walls. I dont want to know what homoerotic things those people do with them, but me and my friends - after aquiring a few of our own from some to drunk to notice party kids - got together and we *THINK* we figured out what they are really for:
Seven man drunken swordfights.
With the remains of the poor, poor paddles we could build a fire, crucify Lee and Shane to the walls, patch up that hole from a flying half paddle, build a chair and make a DIY spike-pit in the living room.
My fucking christ I love my friends.
Seven man drunken swordfights.
With the remains of the poor, poor paddles we could build a fire, crucify Lee and Shane to the walls, patch up that hole from a flying half paddle, build a chair and make a DIY spike-pit in the living room.
My fucking christ I love my friends.
the more i write the more i'm convined i'm pretty f'd up myself but it's nice to think there is sanity in the world somewhere. it makes for a nice contrast to everyting else hehe.