I am the girl formerly known as softreply. I changed my name - I hear underscores are where it's at. Actually, someone already had "Mnemosyne" - a guy, which is... different.
I'm having a crappy... uh... week or so. (I say this every week, so I'm not sure that means anything anymore.)
Here's why:
1) I'm pretty sure I need to see a doctor. If you know anything about me, you know that I have anxiety issues. So this will not be fun. I've already put off going for almost a week.
2) General crapitude. Like people eating my ice cream or yelling at me for no reason or all my electronic/mechanical devices malfunctioning.
I carved one of these:
(the"fylfot" one - yes, it is basically a swastika, aren't you smart for noticing) into my skin, right above my left knee. It hasn't done any good. In fact, I think my luck got worse. I think luck works backwards with me. Don't ask why I'm so obsessed with luck suddenly.
I also believe in faeries. They're pissing me off.
And any of you who think I'm nuts now, can kindly go fornicate yourselves.
I'm having a crappy... uh... week or so. (I say this every week, so I'm not sure that means anything anymore.)
Here's why:
1) I'm pretty sure I need to see a doctor. If you know anything about me, you know that I have anxiety issues. So this will not be fun. I've already put off going for almost a week.
2) General crapitude. Like people eating my ice cream or yelling at me for no reason or all my electronic/mechanical devices malfunctioning.
I carved one of these:
(the"fylfot" one - yes, it is basically a swastika, aren't you smart for noticing) into my skin, right above my left knee. It hasn't done any good. In fact, I think my luck got worse. I think luck works backwards with me. Don't ask why I'm so obsessed with luck suddenly.
I also believe in faeries. They're pissing me off.
And any of you who think I'm nuts now, can kindly go fornicate yourselves.
It's mine, all mine I tell you. Go find some new favorite music so that I may steal that as well.
As for your bad luck lately, I think that perhaps you misunderstoond something. It's good luck "charm", not good luck "harm". Make a note of that and buy a horseshoe next time. They're a lot more, uh, summer-clothing-friendly.
Keep in touch. later.