"You think I can't fly? Well you just watch me, WATCH ME..."
The concert was AWESOME. The audience was rude, but whatever.
I got The Dresden Dolls to sign my poster! woot! And during that, I totally dorked out and told them that their decision to cover Karma Police was awesome, because we were listening to Radiohead on the way over.
They are quite possibly the two most beautiful people on this planet.
You can see all my nifty swag (I hate this word for some reason) in my pics. Oh, except that I also got a Coin-Operated Boy sticker, which is not pictured.
I learned some things about myself. Like about how I'm an extremely polite person and it bothers me when others are not. And how I'm fragile enough to suffer, but not too fragile to survive life on this planet. And how luck might actually be working for me, but I'm too afraid or timid to take the opportunities I'm presented. But not always. Sometimes I have really shitty luck. But I thought it was all the time, and have learned that it's not.
Oh yes, a lot of thinking can happen at a concert. Especially a Dresden Dolls concert because they're fucking awesome.

The concert was AWESOME. The audience was rude, but whatever.
I got The Dresden Dolls to sign my poster! woot! And during that, I totally dorked out and told them that their decision to cover Karma Police was awesome, because we were listening to Radiohead on the way over.

They are quite possibly the two most beautiful people on this planet.
You can see all my nifty swag (I hate this word for some reason) in my pics. Oh, except that I also got a Coin-Operated Boy sticker, which is not pictured.
I learned some things about myself. Like about how I'm an extremely polite person and it bothers me when others are not. And how I'm fragile enough to suffer, but not too fragile to survive life on this planet. And how luck might actually be working for me, but I'm too afraid or timid to take the opportunities I'm presented. But not always. Sometimes I have really shitty luck. But I thought it was all the time, and have learned that it's not.
Oh yes, a lot of thinking can happen at a concert. Especially a Dresden Dolls concert because they're fucking awesome.

My story reminds you of yourslef? So you tend to make dates, put them in your daytimer and completely forget who it is the date is with?