my first contribution to the photo group's monthly assignment.
"Voices tell me I'm the shit" - the eels
New used CD's I picked up today (damit! I'm supposed to be saving my money for a car!

(oh, some of these I formerly only had on tape - yes, I'm finally entering the 20th century

Rancid: And Out Come the Wolves - HELL YEAH

eels: electro-shock blues =

Everclear: Sparkle and Fade = wootwoot!

the best of the Waitresses =

Bloc Party: Silent Alarm (this one wasn't used, of course, but cheap!) =

Somebody chain me up so I stop going to the record store.

ohh, my heart is breaking. I just sent the e-mail to say I can't make it to the Toronto Prom. *long string of expletives* Cars suck out loud.

boo about toronto prom.