I don't want to bemoan my bad luck any longer.
There was a time when such a rejection would have utterly destoyed me. But I'm better than them. Mere mortals can't destroy me! muahahahahaha!
You know what I love about My So-Called Life? (which has been singing me to sleep every night lately) Not the only thing of course. But one of the things, aside from the fact that I was just like fatter, uglier, much much shier verson of Angela Chase, is that they always refer to a cat, but you never actually see the cat.
PS: if you clicked on my name going "who the hell is this?" - this is the girl formerly known as _Mnemosyne_
I changed it to my would-have-been SG name
'Cause I like it.
There was a time when such a rejection would have utterly destoyed me. But I'm better than them. Mere mortals can't destroy me! muahahahahaha!
You know what I love about My So-Called Life? (which has been singing me to sleep every night lately) Not the only thing of course. But one of the things, aside from the fact that I was just like fatter, uglier, much much shier verson of Angela Chase, is that they always refer to a cat, but you never actually see the cat.
PS: if you clicked on my name going "who the hell is this?" - this is the girl formerly known as _Mnemosyne_
I changed it to my would-have-been SG name

who the hell is this? ...soft_reply?
is angela chase the one thats a drunk?