FUCK YEAH!!! I am sooo FREAKING EXCITED the L.A. KINGS won game #1 of the Stanley Cup... Only three more games to go fellas... Jon Jon lets bring it home again...#theWOOD #jQUICK #homegrown


Over the past couple of weeks (since I've joined SG) I have been giving some serious consideration to relaunching my magazine and site (pictured above)... But after speaking with many of you BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE here in SG land I've even considered starting a new publication entirely, based on alt models who are day by day redefining the term BEAUTY... What are your thoughts???

I think that is a great business move! It is no better time than now to put the spotlight on alt beauty and redefine society's whole perspective  

I LOVE this pic(above) because it accurately describes how I feel right now.... Upset because Ive been sooo stressed out and busy lately!!! It has literally made me sick... I had to take a few days off from work because I had a temperature and a very sore throat.... Not to mention all the physical therapy sessions I've been attending because I tore/stressed two of
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So I've decided that since I work entirely too much. I am going to enjoy the fruits of my labor by doing something that I thoroughly enjoy and that is traveling... Here are some of the destinations that I plan on visiting both nationally and internationally. Hopefully I can meet up with, party with, and shoot with some members, hopefuls and suicide girls while visiting.
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Man. I'd love to stay in a treehouse like that...in the middle of a jungle? With a waterfall nearby? Yes please. When will you begin your travels?
You have no idea how bad I want to do this... I never had a tree house growing up as a kid...lol... I guess thats pretty hard when you live in the inner-city... I am not sure when I am going, I have to do a lil more research and when is a good time to go. I would hate to go and have it just rain all the time or have it be hurricane season like they have in the Bahamas... Will you be accompanying me? @savor

I know I am a bit late on this but, you know what they say better late than never... And i said I would be putting out info about myself so I have to keep my promises... Well since I am not an official SG STAFF photographer I don't have a fave set that Ive shot... But unofficially I shot a friend of a friend
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WOW. What a gorgeous shot (and gorgeous girl!)
Thnx luv maybe one day I will be fortunate enough to have our paths cross and we could shoot @savor

you can't honestly tell me that @lavender doesnt have one of the best bums you've ever seen

totally agree
Umm yeah!

I got this AWESOME shirt at TARGET for less than $2... I guess its because it say "Enjoy Coke" lol


This one of my favorite shots... I love shooting indoors with natural light... And I adore Sara... Always good times when my lil monkey is around...


I am slowly but surely working on my site... I am just trying to figure out what content to upload... If you have any suggestion feel free to send me a message.


We have had a few really nice days on the East Coast (USA) which has been ruined by some really cold weather... So in the spirit of being warm Ive decided to create a bucket list.

1. Shoot a set for SG!!!


3. Coach/teach kids how to play basketball

4. Go to NYC/Boston/Miami

5. Learn to play GUITAR

6. Attend a few Xtreme
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@savor bucket list are the best, I thought it was a lil dorky at first but it keeps me focused bc my mind is always so scattered and it also organizes things... You should definitely create a list id luv to see whats on it
@savor bucket list are the best, I thought it was a lil dorky at first but it keeps me focused bc my mind is always so scattered and it also organizes things... You should definitely create a list id luv to see whats on it