Went and played pool with Ashlei tonight, which was really fun. I love hanging out with her because anything can happen, we're complete ass holes to each other the entire time and she's really bad at pool, so I feel like I'm getting better!
My trip to Amsterdam is in six days now, which is really exciting. I have never been to Europe, so I...
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My trip to Amsterdam is in six days now, which is really exciting. I have never been to Europe, so I...
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Okay, so my new pictures didn't exactly come out as planned, but I am out of town and my resources for expert photography are (obviously) out of reach. I suppose that these will have to do for now. At least everyone will know now that I am slightly less disfigured than they thought.
White Russians and fifth ward breath mints are making my evening more...
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White Russians and fifth ward breath mints are making my evening more...
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i like the pictures. that green shirt is pretty rad.
It's funny how everytime that I come down to Florida I forget that my Dad's idea of a good time is hanging out, drinking beer and going to sleep by NINE! and, since I can only visit every six months or so, I only know a few people and they all happen to be snowboarding right now. bitches.
So, tonight I ended up going to...
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So, tonight I ended up going to...
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Pirates are hot. Definitely
Well, I am in Florida visiting family. My Dad and his girlfriend live here and it seems that I usually end up drinking a lot - with them, of course.
Anyways... finally got through finals! YES! and now that I have time on my hands, I have been doing a lot of introspective thought. You know, I really enjoy all aspects of my life, but...
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Anyways... finally got through finals! YES! and now that I have time on my hands, I have been doing a lot of introspective thought. You know, I really enjoy all aspects of my life, but...
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Hey, hope your enjoying florida, it's gotta be better than the snow i have here

We got snow finally ... and I was in Mississippi and missed the whole thing. :p
Hope all is well with you!
Hope all is well with you!
Hi! Wow, it's been so long since I've been on here. Well, school has been an all consuming hell. I love my classes, I just hate all the busy work. I understand that some people need that to grasp the info. but why me? But I suppose that's every student's desperate cry when finals are beginning to roll around.
Well, my best friend has been...
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Well, my best friend has been...
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Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday hon

At school today I saw some guys that I went to high school with. It's so weird when you haven't seen someone in a long time. You used to be close, so you feel like you should talk, but you don't really know each other any more, so you don't have anything to say.
On another note. I think that I just misspelled the...
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On another note. I think that I just misspelled the...
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I tend to over analyze words ALL the time. I know exactly what you mean!
Hmm...Four Rooms. I saw the movie, but don't remember much about it. It was odd, that I remember. Dead hooker under the bed in one of the rooms, kids find it or something cause the shit stunk. Right?
Well, I think that it's come down to it. I have my least favorite shirt, and my least favorite skirt to wear tomorrow. I think that is the only thing that can push me over the edge into wanting to do laundry. I try to go to the laundrymat by my house, but nobody cool every goes there. You know how in movies there are...
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Wow I so fell asleep really early last night
I feel better today though
So when do you have to do laundry by? Can you get by until Friday?

I feel better today though

So when do you have to do laundry by? Can you get by until Friday?
I could sit around and you could laugh at me then

I think I have become addicted to Reno911. I don't know if it's the pot, or the show, but I end up laughing so hard that I feel guilty.
Run delicious Milkshake, Run!
Run delicious Milkshake, Run!

check ze email
One final gnight - since you aren't probably sleeping yet 

I have a secret and I'll never tell.

Sometimes I have a lull before I have a lot of work to do. So I slack off for a bit.
I will tell you a secret if you tell me yours.

Sometimes I have a lull before I have a lot of work to do. So I slack off for a bit.
I will tell you a secret if you tell me yours.
telllll meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I have an amazing Algebra teacher. I think that I'm going to become a Mathmatician. Although I have always loved Math, I never thought that I would want to do anything with it, but who knows. What kind of career can you get besides accounting? I am going to do some research on this!
Anyways... I have been studying the parts of the...
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Anyways... I have been studying the parts of the...
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You make pirates sad

wait ... is this a trick question?

wait ... is this a trick question?
Your mom is trying to pimp you out now eh? *chuckle*
Hope all is well.
PS - playing the piano is hot.
any mp3s of your stuff? i'd like to hear it.